Landing : Athabascau University


  • Terry Anderson added the photo swb_equinox_march2012.jpg to the album landing Page Photos March 18, 2013 - 9:31am
  • Terry Anderson added the photo swb_equinox_march2012.jpg to the album landing Page Photos March 18, 2013 - 9:31am
  • Terry Anderson uploaded the file Report on First year of Duke U CoursEra course March 13, 2013 - 9:00am
    I've highlighted and commented on the exec summary of this report from Feb 2013. Lesson's for Athabasca They have CoursEra's contast evolving MOOC platform. Is our Moodle up to a ten thousand new registrants? They built this ocurse in 3...
    • Eric von Stackelberg March 13, 2013 - 10:34am

      Would you not be better off to scale the Landing so that variations in enrollment do not impact the traditional student body? The inclusion of sync collaboration tools gives supports both sync and async collaboration modes.

      The Landing also supports emergent groups within any MOOC can happen rather than requiring admin support which should result in useful clustering why not increasing the admin workload. The experience provides the opportunity to move participants into traditional AU programs or cross-marketing to other MOOC's while supporting the distinct brands of MOOC/traditioanl programs. From the perspective of revenue streams this could support both the "ask" model for donations as well as the evolution of a PLAR fee for service for participants interested in recognition.


  • Terry Anderson added the photo Berries in the snow to the album landing Page Photos March 6, 2013 - 11:17am
    Berries in the snow
  • Thanks for this Mark, I appreciate the clarification. I will then consider my emails to be private, unless I am informed otherwise by the university Terry
  • Terry Anderson added the photo Wallpaper+Chinese+New+Year+28.jpg to the album landing Page Photos February 2, 2013 - 11:46am
  • Mitacs -Accelerate Program:Funding to faculty available through Mitacs Accelerate for research-based or development-based projects with industrial partnersAvailable to support grad students and post-docs from ALL research disciplinesScalable to...
    • Anonymous January 5, 2015 - 12:43am

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  • Terry Anderson replied on the discussion topic Debate Tool in the group Centre for Distance Education (CDE) January 11, 2013 - 11:32am
    Thanks VERY much for making the time to respond and give your example of debate use Rick. I likely should wait and give others a chance to respond (still time!!) but can't resist. I think we are in agreement on the pedagogical and motivational...
  • Terry Anderson added a new discussion topic Debate Tool in the group Centre for Distance Education (CDE) January 11, 2013 - 9:41am
    In the MoocMooc that I have been dipping into this week there was a reference for a tool called debate graph. (see an example debate here In a nutshell the tool provides spaces for...
  • Overview of the Strategic Mandate Agreement Proposals of Ontario’s Public Colleges and Universities (pdf) In this report from Contact North, the responses from the Minstries directives to Ont colleges and universities to provide innovation...
  • Terry Anderson added the photo Winter whiteness to the album landing Page Photos January 8, 2013 - 2:42pm
    Winter whiteness
  • Terry Anderson added the photo Snow men and stars to the album landing Page Photos December 21, 2012 - 12:14pm
    Snow men and stars
  • Terry Anderson added the photo Winter Solstice Greetings to the album landing Page Photos December 15, 2012 - 8:59am
    Winter Solstice Greetings
  • Terry Anderson uploaded the file Research Interview Terry Anderson December 14, 2012 - 4:15pm
  • Terry Anderson published a blog post Great video by Tim O'Rielly November 21, 2012 - 11:35am
  • Terry Anderson commented on the blog Response to Open U November 14, 2012 - 5:40pm
    Here is the Athabasca one The vinettes with real students is nice, but there is only message - that AU is flexible. The video could come from any correspondence school. I'd like to see one that focuses...
  • Terry Anderson commented on the blog Response to Open U November 14, 2012 - 1:25pm
    Likely our PR folks do have such a video. I think??? or the should at least, I would like to see it up against video from the OU. Terry
  • Terry Anderson added the photo Snowy Morning in November to the album landing Page Photos November 9, 2012 - 9:45am
    Snowy Morning in November
  • Terry Anderson commented on a bookmark Canada Moot 2013 Presentation November 4, 2012 - 4:59pm
    The comparison between social networks such as Facebook or the Landing is fairly common and quite easy, but most often e-portfolios are used in a summative fashion as an individual process, and not really focussing on social learning processes....
  • Terry Anderson published a blog post Comparing Facebook, the Landing and LMS November 2, 2012 - 11:50am
    The new issue of IRRODL has a very interesting article on a graduate course that was delivered in FaceBook, as opposed to the university's LMS. see  MEISHAR-TAL, H., KURTZ, G., PIETERSE, E.. (2012) Facebook groups as LMS: A case...
    • Maureen Mackey November 4, 2012 - 4:17pm

      I appreciate both the detailed comparisons the authors make between Facebook and a conventional LMS as well as their description of a “case study” in delivering a graduate instructional technology course using Facebook instead of a traditional LMS. 

      Differences between a Facebook Group and a Conventional LMS (Meishar-Tal, Kurtz & Pieterse, 2012)

      Difference LMS Facebook (FB)
      1. Ownership   educational institution

      free of charge, no maintenance required, yet content backup and privacy issues; who owns the knowledge? (learners and educators)

      2. Login   username and password FB profile, requirement to have a FB account
      3. Creating/sharing content  range of powerful tools

      added the capability of adding files directly in 2012 (after this 2011 course)

      4. Content management  educator creates the content to be consumed by the students (instructivist paradigm) educators and students share permissions
      5. Organizing content  instructor 

      organization of FB pushes new material to the top making access to older material challenging while contributing to the dynamism

      6. Relationship between content & interaction  separate

      interaction built into the content (FB is not designed to be solely a repository)

      7. Synchronous interaction   limited  primary
      8. Assessment tools  sophisticated

      absent (work-around is using the search bar to capture user activity—limited to status updates and comments)—could be extended by adding Google Docs


      The Research

      The authors used qualitative methodology to capture student reflections of their experience at the end of the course (which ran in 2011). Analysis led to the identification of four primary themes: interaction with colleagues, interaction with the instructor, personal learning, and intensity. Students expressed appreciation of their collaboration experiences with one another and with the instructor, identified both proactive (e.g. initiating messages) and more passive (i.e.  pressing the “like” button) methods of personalizing their learning, and the immediacy and responsive nature of the experience.

      A third of the class indicated that they had no difficulties at all with the Facebook course. The remainder of the students identified difficulties in locating specific information (resolved while the course was running by storing information in the sidebar), workload issues related to the intensity and feeling the need to keep up every day (not dissimilar to my experience in this MDDE610 course!), blurring of the boundary between social life and school (although the course was maintained as a closed group, some students prefer a distinct separation between personal and academic “lives”), and reluctance to make written contributions. Overall, 86% of students recommended delivering other academic courses on Facebook and rated the Facebook contribution to their learning as 4.1 on a scale of 1 to 5.

      The authors note that there are two sides of the coin in using Facebook as a LMS—its very dynamism both ramps up the intensity and collaboration of the learning experience while simultaneously burdening some students with its never-ending call for engagement. 

      Real-time Interaction and the Landing

      I note your comments on the synchronous/real-time features of FB enjoyed by the students described in this case study, and how you point out that these kinds of features have not been enabled on the Landing. It seems to me that you are wondering about whether real-time chat and notifications might be perceived as over-exposure by some users. Personally, I would appreciate more synchronous interaction possibilities in order to capture the impressions of others and to provide more spontaneous contributions and reactions. I think that such synchrony might promote engagement and an even more personalized experience. I, for one, think that I would enjoy even more immediacy and intensity on the Landing.