Landing : Athabascau University


  • Terry Anderson commented on the file berries October 21, 2010 - 10:01am
    Nice pics Glenn, but wondering why you aren't using the photo album. Does uploading as a file imporve things? As a photo, in an album, it would be more easily searched by otehrs. Terry
  • Terry Anderson commented on the blog The Landing Works! October 9, 2010 - 8:44am
  • Terry Anderson added the photo Keynoting at IODL/ICEM 2010 to the album Terry presenting album October 7, 2010 - 6:12am
    Keynoting at IODL/ICEM 2010
  • Terry Anderson created a wiki page Notifications - turning email and web alerts on and off in the group The Landing Help Community September 21, 2010 - 11:09am
    By default, the Landing will send you emails if people comment on your posts or post things to groups of which you are a member. It is possible to set this so that you receive no notifications at all, or you can avoid emails and get notifications...
  • Terry Anderson commented on a wiki page titled Notifications - turning email and web alerts on and off in the group The Landing Help Community September 20, 2010 - 2:52pm
  • Terry Anderson published a blog post Article on Social Networking in Self paced Education published September 16, 2010 - 9:48am
      I'm wallowing this morning in the short lived glory of an article published yesterday in the Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration. My colleagues, Bruno Poellhuber (Univ of Montreal), Ross McKerlich and...
    • Eric von Stackelberg September 18, 2010 - 3:21pm

      Congratulations Terry.

      Interesting research. Do you think you would get similar results regarding levels of collaboration at the Master's or Doctoral levels? I am wondering if contributions are linked to confidence in the opinions rather than technology comfort levels.

    • Mary McNabb September 25, 2010 - 11:00pm

      Congratulations Terry! See the glory is lasting at least 10 days!Laughing This is very interesting research and speaks to some of the aspects of my dissertation topic - a Virtual Staffroom to facilitate professional development and collegiality. I suspect that both lack of confidence in expressing opinions and lack of comfort with technology are factors. 

      Veronica, I'm interested in your comments about detailed explicit instructions regarding participation.  I think this is an aspect of learning that needs to be addressed. It is "taught" to varying degrees in basic face-to-face education but not all students "get it" there and not everyone transfers the learning to a different setting.

      Lots of possibility here. Thanks, Terry.

    • Jon Dron October 1, 2010 - 1:48pm

      The self-selecting group of people who have actively chosen an isolated form of learning makes it very interesting indeed that any students (let alone a large number) would be interested in more interaction and collaboration. It would be interesting to discover whether this is a tendency that increases as more experienced students become exasperated with learning alone, or decreases as they get more used to the process. Any clues?