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    Study Strategy

    By Mahmooda Malik February 19, 2024 - 9:56pm
    This is how I am studying for this course. I took this class thinkihng that it will be an intoductory but little that I know that it is going to overwhelm me.  At times I felt really overwhemed and this is how I started studying.  The...
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    Exam through Proctor U

    By Mahmooda Malik February 19, 2024 - 9:50pm
    The course was pretty interesting and I think I have learned a lot. However, the final exam for these courses is through the ProctorU which sucked to its core and made me overwhelmed and frustrated.  They took three hours to set their system up...
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    Unit 10. Our Homecoming

    By Sydney Carroll February 18, 2024 - 12:26am
    Some of the types of front lines that are imminent here are the constant erosion of coastline in Christchurch coupled with sea level rise. The fear of another earthquake like the ones from 2011 and 2012 is also a fear because the city has only...
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    Unit 9. The rebellion of love

    By Sydney Carroll February 16, 2024 - 7:59pm
    In his article, Settler Colonialism and the Elimination of the Native, Patric Wolfe seeks to explain that settler colonialism is experienced all over the world and is a structure and not an event. He explains that there needs to be a strategic...
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    Introductory Java Class-

    By Mahmooda Malik February 13, 2024 - 2:59pm
    I read some of the previous blogs about Comp 268 course and I totally agree with everyone that this class started off pretty easy and I thought I was grasping the course until I hit the last assignment.  Where we are asked to design a...
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    By Mahmooda Malik February 13, 2024 - 1:48pm Comments (1)
    I really enjoyed creating this game and here is what I have started off my game with:Within the domain of interactive storytelling, there is one genre that has consistently captured the attention of players: text-based adventure games. With their...
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    Unit 8. Sacrificial Zones

    By Sydney Carroll February 12, 2024 - 1:26am
    There is a neighbouring town just east of Halifax is the community of North Preston which is considered a food desert. This term is used to describe an area where there are no grocery stores within a specific area of the town. A number of years ago...
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    Unit 7. The Indigenous Economy

    By Sydney Carroll January 28, 2024 - 1:47am
    I think the idea of an Indigenous economy sheds light on how self serving our own economic system truly is. Reading the work of Rauna Kuokkanen makes one realize that our system relies on an environment with limitless consumer good output and the...
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    Unit 5 - Writing Javascript Reflection, Cameron Orr

    By Cameron Orr in the group COMP 266 January 26, 2024 - 11:40pm
    Posted to group: COMP 266
    Unit Reflection: Going into this unit I didn't realize the full scope of this overall project, and was thinking I would eventually be implementing a database system in which I would be able to fulfill the parts of my design which were based on such...
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    Unit 6. Water Credits

    By Sydney Carroll January 21, 2024 - 2:32am
    The movement that I feel challenges the social implications of capitalism and neoliberalism is This movement was funded by the knowledge that water scarcity is still prevalent in the global south and affects women disproportionately. In...

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