Landing : Athabascau University

Final reflective post


Today, will be my last post for this course. I was very pleased to complete all my assigned work. In the English 177, I have learned proper grammar structures, formulation of paragraphs and sentences, and how to link my paragraphs to the thesis statement, when writing an essay. 

In addition, I have learned how to formulate my controlling ideas to my paragraphs, because the controlling idea is the most important structure in a paragraph. I also learned how important grammar is, and how two similar words can change a sentence dramatically. This course helped me,  reach my overall goals in writing and reading skills and has provided me enough basic knowledge for professional use of the English language. 

In addition, I would also like to add, that I have learned a new format style MLA. Because in the program and college that I study at, we use the APA format. So this format was completely new to me and I was glad to take on a challenge with something that I have never worked with before. At first the MLA format and citations were a little confusing for me but after looking at the examples and with more practice, I was able to get an overall idea of what the MLA format is. I am hoping in the future i will be able to receive more practice for this style for my own future benefits. 

Overall, I was happy with this course, I've learned more than what was expected and if I ever receive another opportunity to renew my English skills, I will take the Enhlish course again.


Thank you, for your time reading my last post. 


Sincerely, Kateryna


