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The Blogging Apprenticeship (Identity Construction Processes)

Identity Construction Processes

Process Tag Description
Self-Awareness SAWARE past experiences, internal/external motivations, learning environment
Self-Efficacy SEFFIC identification of goals, expressing frustrations, ambivalence, doubts, concerns; taking inventory of knowledge and skills; stop-points
Self-Observation SOBSERVE reflections on personal perspective changes, self-talk, self-recording, tallying, metrics
Self-Reaction SREACT reflections on lessons learned, describing social supports in place or to be put in place; self-praise; digital footprints; action plans, pause-points;
Self-Presentation SPRESENT self-created learning aids; artefacts of learning; schemas, tables and charts, graphic organizers, rich pictures, idea maps, checklists, annotated bookmarks, pageflakes, podcasts, collections of RSS feeds, profile development
Self-Judgement SJUDGE revising goals, looking back, looking forward; comparing performance to self-determined critieria, determining criteria for self-assessment; summary reflections


  • Mary Pringle May 12, 2010 - 3:44pm

    Where did this come from? These tags would be good portfolio organizers.

  • Glenn Groulx May 12, 2010 - 5:06pm

    hi Mary,

    This is a revision of Zimmermann's ideas from his article: A Cognitive view of self-regulated learning. I created a concept map using these concepts in an earlier post. I then applied them to the application of blogging.


    In the previous two tables (knolwedge and network construction processes, I drew from Lilia Efimova's work from her Mathemagenic blog, as well as from Stephen Downes' blog posts, particularly from his ARFF model to describe network building activities.