Landing : Athabascau University

Facilitating Network Building Within AU Landing


This is a preliminary overview of how the tools and features of AU landing can be used to facilitate network-building  among participants. This way, everyone can use a consistent roadmap for introducing the features and tools. This "roadmap" is incomplete, as it relies heavily on the concurrent development of both identity building and knowledge building processes as well. However, I thought it would be good to start with network-building, as these processes are, in my opinion, supported 2:1 within AU landing as evidenced by the selection of the tools and features.


AU Landing

Tools and Features





Activity Tab, Search Textbox, Help pages, Tutorial Groups;

Scanning, reading, and reviewing of online resources, identifying gaps in skills & knowledge



Search Tags on members’ pages for resources and experts, blogs, pages, photos, the wire, Account Settings, Bookmarks; Joining Groups, Discussions

Explorations both within and beyond the instructor’s blog, the group blog and peers’ blogs; description of initial activities



Notifications, RSS Feed subscriptions, using the Bookmarklet feature, searching members’ Tag Clouds, adding Followers/Following, scanning Groups, configuring Account Tools, monitoring Statistics

Bring together content, links,

profiles and identify usage patterns




Updates of posts, pages, bookmarks, creation of collections, editing photo albums,

refreshing posts migrated from Me2U to AU Landing

Re-examination, culling, filtering, re-organizing; revising blog content: posts, feeds, comments;

may involve return to drafts or weaving emails or work from assignments into new blog posts




Customize dashboard with widgets and plugins; Set up Twitter, use RSS feed aggregator (not in AU Landing);

Selection and archiving of previously completed assignments and Moodle forum posts, Create e-portfolio pages

Draw ideas from multiple sources, then summarize, analyze, and report on ideas





 Send out wire posts notifying community of new group, resources; re-tweet links;

Sharing, exchanging, story-telling to audiences


Process Capture

Uploading files and photos for review; commenting on posts,

Blogging, wire posts, bookmarks, tweets

Systematic recording of thought processes and ideas using multiple media



Product Creation

Pages, upload podcasts, pen-casts, and slide presentations; link to page-casts (PageFlakes) or Posterous resources

Preparation, planning, and performing of learning events; reflection in practice




Blogging, wire posts, page creation

Post-performance summary,  critique, summary reflections