Landing : Athabascau University


Up to this point in my learning to play the ukulele, lessons have progressed well and I've been progressing at a relatively rapid rate (relative to what; however, I'm not exactly sure).  I finally made it to the advanced section of the course and I think that I'll be slowing down significantly.  The topic: strumming.  This, I'm quickly learning, is something I will have to work at to really get.  Consider this:

"As you work on the exercises, you will begin to re-wire your brain, and then when you go to sleep, the re-wiring will continue. The next time you attend uke school, review some of the material and exercises before - you will see how what you once had to think hard to do is starting to come naturally. This is your brain re-wiring itself. That's how UkeSchool is designed to work."

Much of the introduction to the advanced world of picking is spent on slow and thoughtful encouragement--and this for very good reason as finger picking is quite difficult.  The following video is the results of a fair amount of repetitive practice and I know that I'll be playing this little sequence quite a bit more before I think I'll be ready to move to the next section.