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  • ENVS461 blog 9 unit 8 Environmental racism, violence, and (in)justice

ENVS461 blog 9 unit 8 Environmental racism, violence, and (in)justice

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By Chaoran Chen July 25, 2023 - 6:57am
ENVS461 blog 9 unit 8 Environmental racism, violence, and (in)justice

If when blacks and indigenous people are no longer devalued, which requires the complete eradication of white supremacy, people of color will have access to the same employment opportunities, social status, and economic wealth as whites, so that their ladder of ascent will be the same as whites'. This would lead to a more regulated industrial sector, where the environmental damage caused by emissions could be better managed, and where the health of the people living in industrial areas would be given the attention it deserves. For example, when General Motors' factories discharged their sewage into the Flint River without any concern, they did not take into account at all the damage that the pollution did to the environment and the threat it posed to the health of the local population.(Pulido, 2016)
In resource extraction, companies would make less profit because they would have to comply with strict local environmental policies and spend a portion of their expenditures on environmental stewardship. In addition, some mines will not be able to be mined because companies will have to listen to the local population, since the environmental damage caused by resource extraction is a matter of health for everyone in the area. The views of the local population had often been ignored before, but that would no longer be the case when blacks and indigenous people were no longer denigrated.
Regarding cities, cities with a large percentage of people of color would enjoy the same rights as cities with a large percentage of white people. In addition, the colored people will have the same rights and financial power to choose their place of residence as the white people.
It is now that the crumbling infrastructure is where the economic system of the past meets the present, and we will be rethinking how and where we get our food, clothing, shelter and energy. All factories, metallurgical plants, farmland, etc. that affect the health of the local population will be removed or a comprehensive sewage system will be established, and the relevant authorities will have to set up a complete regulatory system for metallurgical plants and factories so that the local population can be protected from the dangers of pollution, and the entrepreneurs will be able to make all kinds of products at a higher cost, but this is essential for the safety and security of the inhabitants.
Most people's daily lives would be the same as they are now, but a small number of people of color in the contaminated areas would be given their right to live and be compensated. People of color would no longer be discriminated against, their living conditions would be improved, and the conditions of their living quarters would be upgraded.
We're going to get there by creating a perfect system for monitoring emissions, eliminating white supremacy, and making equal rights available to people of all races. Every life deserves to be respected and valued.





Pulido, L. (2016). Flint, environmental racism, and racial capitalism. Capitalism Nature Socialism, 27(3), 1–16.