Group members: this is the place for your learning diary. Use this to post your zipped-up site at least once each unit, and your reflections as often as you wish (at least once per unit). Please write your reflections directly in the post, not as attached files. Where you do need to attach documents, such as for unit 1 designs, use PDF, PNG or JPG formats. You can attach files using the 'Embed content' link in the editor.
QUICK COURSE LINKS: Add blog post - Read latest group posts - FAQs: Course process : Site design : HTML : CSS : JavaScript : JQuery : AJAX : Misc : Podcasts for each unit
Updated resource pages: Unit 1 - Unit 2 - Unit 3 - Units 4 & 5 - Unit 6 - Unit 7
mportant notice: the student web server is unavailable. Until this is fixed, we do not require you to upload your site to the student server. See Running a web server on your local machine for details of how to meet the requirements for the final unit
Link to SCIS website:
Zipped Unit 3 files (including website):
Work for this Unit:
Read the Unit 3 FAQ
Watched Derek Banas’ CSS tutorial:
Watched Derek Banas’ “Create A Website Menubar” video:
Watched EJ Media’s Horizontal menu tutorial:
Looked up in Yahoo Search certain features of CSS I wanted, like scaling font-size according to viewport width.
Read about the position property from W3schools:
Browsed through selectors listed here:
How I have met the Learning Outcomes:
Be able to write well-structured, easily maintained, standards-compliant CSS code to present HTML pages in different ways.
I wrote an external CSS file that is applied to all webpages, and it structures and styles the pages to make them good-looking and organized. The CSS is mostly easily maintainable, except for the inline CSS on the ‘other_puzzles.html’ page. All CSS is compliant with the WCAG 2.0 standards. The following CSS effect changes were used:
Background color
Font type, size, and color
Padding, margin, and border thickness
Text alignment
Absolute and fixed positioning
Inline, block, and ‘invisible’ (none) display
Hover over elements’ color
Selectors used include:
Id property
Class property
First and last elements
Other Requirements
Explain why your changes are improvements by relating them to the personas and scenarios identified in Unit 1
Persona 1: Saun Simmerling
Scenario 2: Interesting Facts about the Rubik's Cube
Saun is easily able to browse through all of the pages using the large clear menu across the top of the page. The front page is also accessible through the logo image.
Scenario 3: How to solve the Rubik's Cube
Because of the solving methods table layout, all the methods are organized and easy to find. The introduction is highlighted as well.
Persona 2: Janice Miranda
Scenario 1: Finding Special Rubik's Cube patterns
The new table borders and resized images make the special patterns easy to read and find.
Scenario 5: The 5*5*5
The new table borders and resized images make the puzzles easy to browse through, and the fixed menu on the side gives her an easy way to jump to different categories to find the puzzle she likes best.
Scenario 7: Solving away from home
Due to dynamic resizing of the menu and special patterns table, Janice can scroll through the special patterns without having to resize the page or move it horizontally.
Persona 3: Saun Simmerling
Scenario 4: Fastest solving methods
Because of the solving methods table layout, all the methods are organized and easy to find. The advanced methods are all clearly under the ‘Advanced Methods’ title.
Scenario 6: Buying a new puzzle
Robert can use the fixed categories menu to select the category he likes while browsing the most popular puzzles, allowing him to skip between puzzle categories with ease.
Went well:
The menu bar went very well, and was much easier than I expected. I was able to format in almost every way I wanted to.
Didn’t go well:
The fixed categories navigation panel. I wanted it to stay in a relative position beside the most popular puzzles table, until the user scrolled down, and then it would turn into a fixed position panel, which would move with the user as the scrolled down. I found out this feature isn’t reasonably possible without using JavaScript, so for now it hangs in the top left corner covering the menu bar when first navigating to the page.
What was most difficult and why:
Getting the internal CSS to override the external CSS, as I tried to use the style tag with the attribute type=”text/css”, which for some reason wouldn’t work. Then I removed the attribute, and it still didn’t work because it wouldn’t override the external CSS unless it used the exact same selector.
If done again, would it be done differently and why:
It would be done differently, I would make sure I didn’t add or remove any html content unless I needed to in order to fulfill a learning outcome or required task.
How did previous experience help/hinder completing the tasks:
Previous experience with writing HTML and complying with standards made this part much easier, as I followed the standards I already knew, and followed the same steps and sequences as I did with the HTML unit.
Most surprising thing learned:
CSS can select elements with much more precision and exactness then I imagined it did, as it could select elements using filters that can specify blocks, multiple ids and classes, and children in a certain placing (last, first, nth from last, etc.).
Most useful thing learned:
Any element, can be moved to anywhere, be dynamically and statically resized, and have all of its properties changed with ease. CSS is a very easy language to use, almost as easy as HTML.
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