Landing : Athabascau University

Reflection on Assignment 1

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By Jing Li March 26, 2013 - 11:05pm Comments (2)

Thanks to my dear tutor Cara's hard work, I got my assignment back today. Opening up the file on my computer screen, I felt my heart sinking a bit when I see the total mark. Obviously, it was not a great mark, but not too bad either. I kept telling myself, "well, it takes a while to get used to the course setting. Don't worry too much," and started reading through Cara's comments.

It looked like I lost marks basically for two reasons. First, I did not make an effort to understand the requriements of some exercises. For example, one exercise asked us to develop an outline for a paragraph. I was trying too hard to impress my tutor, so I wrote a whole paragraph instead. Also, for instance, one exercise made us list some points to support the topic sentence. Again, I ended up with three finished paragraphs for three topic sentences. The lesson that I learned is trying to identify what the exercise asks for first before typing.

The second reason I lost my marks is I had a few technical issues on writing:

  • I mixed up the usages of comparison and contrast, because I was being lazy and did not check my textbook for their definitions. Now I understand that comparison emphansizes similarities and contrast focuces on differences.
  • I didn't know how to write a topic sentence using cause-effect method. I am still very confused, because some topic sentence examples on the Internet may be misleading and obviously look like statements to me. For example, one sentence is "a low-fat diet can help you lose weight and lower your risk of heart disease". ( I would like to do more research on the cause-effect method in the future. 
  • I used a thesis statement as my topic sentence in one exercise. I am still look for more information as to address the difference between them.

Those above are a few of my thoughts on the first assignment. So far, I have been enjoying the course and the exercises. The exercises in the assignment helped me with being familiar with different writing topics and the process of structuring and developing a paragraph. 



  • Cara Gratton May 7, 2013 - 6:46pm

    Wow! Great job of developing this post, Jing!

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