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  • In retrospect: how did writing a critical review prepare me for writing a literature review? What...

In retrospect: how did writing a critical review prepare me for writing a literature review? What do I still need to learn/practice before I am ready to write a literature review?

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By Shauna July 11, 2013 - 8:17pm


Within the critical review process, I found the peer-review component to be very beneficial. The experience of giving and receiving feedback from my peers was excellent.  It was so helpful to have the perspective of fresh eyes. It was interesting how everyone focused their critique to their strengths: grammar, organization, referencing, or content. Also, learning to write a paper by creating an outline, writing drafts and multiple revisions was very helpful to stay organized and focused. Having the time to create multiple drafts and revisions was eye-opening. I was surprised at the number of revisions I would make after taking the time to step away from my work; however, I question the ability to follow this method as closely under a greater time constraint. Hopefully, with practice, I will become a more efficient writer.

The weaknesses in my critical review were in regards to the factual evidence on which I based my argument; in my opinion, some points were valid and others were misunderstood. The strengths of my paper included style and structure.  I think these strengths are more pertinent to a literature review since it is based solely on the information provided within the literature, without outside influences or opinions. I believe the information I need to learn and the skills I need to practice will be covered over the weeks to come. As opposed to a critical review, I am comforted in the fact that I have experience with writing a literature review.  In the future I will be embarking on a thesis; I hope the knowledge and skills obtained from MAIS 606 will further prepare me for this adventure.