Landing : Athabascau University

Its official as of November 14, 2018 - CALL TO ACTION

I have been officially notified by unanimous vote of AUGSA Council ( that I am dismissed as student representative of CDE because I refused to attend meetings at 2 a.m., and council refused to change from Alberta timezone to mutually beneficial meeting times. AGUSA Council also refused to fix a flawed council member contract, by way of dismissing my comments in areas of the document that needed attention before I would sign it.


Athabasca University promotes a no barriers open university - anytime, anywhere philosophy (e.g.


Here are the facts that the unanimous AUGSA student council seems to dismiss:

  1. all students have rights regardless of location on this planet or in the universe
  2. students in New Zealand can opt out of students council membership
  3. AU students are forced to pay $13/credit
  4. AU Graduate Student Association has been collecting credit fees for more than 8 years with impunity (
  5. the student representative contract is flawed in representation of all students but is not going to be immediately fixed (DOCX | ODT | PDF)
  6. if you want to have your $13/credit redirected to your tuition, the following directions were given by the Athabasca University Graduate Students’ Association President:

If a student would like this to be brought up at council, a signed, written special consideration motion needs to be sent directly to Council with the reasons for the request, etc.

If you want to take back your rights, I recommend every student to send a signed PDF to the Council President > - Lindsay McNena < with the following motion (CC: - Dr. Neil Fassina, Athabasca University President):

Sample 1 - Indirect Opt-out

Motion to Athabasca University Graduate Students’ Association to Redirect $13/credit to Tuition and Right to Opt-Out


I ____________________________________________ wish to have my $13/credit redirected to my tuition.

In the future I do want the right to opt-out of the Athabasca University Graduate Students’ Association membership.



Full Name








 Sample 2 - Direct Opt-Out


Motion to Athabasca University Graduate Students’ Association to Opt-Out of membership and Redirect $13/credit to Tuition


I ____________________________________________ wish to to opt-out of the Athabasca University Graduate Students’ Association membership and have my $13/credit redirected to my tuition.




Full Name







