Landing : Athabascau University

MDDE and me

I am struggling this term with MDDE610, which I was looking forward to taking.  It is not the work as much as time.  Life is crazy as a junior high tech teacher and I always have trouble doing a master's course and balancing work and family.

I have to admit that I am not as motivated as I was when I first started this program.  I have several reasons for this:

  • I wanted to learn more about teaching using distance education for my own practice.  I quickly realized that there is little attention paid to DE at the high school level in the MDDE program.   It is basically an adult education program.  I have been told that I can gear some of the course content and assignments (and create my own Independent courses) towards my area, but when you are paying $1300.00 per course ($300 which you don't get back if you drop a course), I would have expected a bit more effort from the MDDE program to cater to their students.  Especially, since other masters programs are a lot cheaper.
  • I was also surprised that the role of the teacher-practitioner was not emphasized as much either (I am aware of the irony that the 610 course is probably as close to a teacher's course as you can get).
  • I have to take the MDDE605 course and I get ill just thinking about it (I am doing the course route).  I droppped the course when I took it first.  I understand that it was inserted as a core for those that wish to become administrators but I just don't like the emphasis on the business side of DE.  I really don't have any interest or inclination to write a business plan for a DE organization.

 Now into my 6th masters course I am wondering if I made the wrong decision in doing the MDDE program.  It is especially difficult given that a lot of my friends are doing their Masters of Technology Education program and find it more applicable to their careers as tech teachers.  Through in the fact that online courses are a lot more work and I grow envious.

With all that said I think the MDDE program is really good, just not for a high school tech teacher.  There are some great profs that I have encountered so far and they really know their stuff.

I know there are some that will argue with me about this, but this is how I feel about my experience so far.  I know have to decide whether I bite the bullet and finish the program or look for another Masters program that will consider giveing me credit for the courses I have completed in the MDDE.  I'd say I am stuck between a rock and a hard place. 


  • Hugh (Gregg) Kerr February 17, 2008 - 4:41am

    I know what you mean.  I find there is no time to delve into (let alone feel comfortable with) a piece of software/DE tool and we move onto something else.  For example:

    •  I accept that we are working Moodle, but one week to examine several CMS???
    • One week with the sections analysis???
    • One week to complete the CAI (and it is long) on a new piece of sodtware???

    And the list goes on...
