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Adobe - The Next Big Thing?

The ReadWriteWeb Blog posted an article,Watch Out -Adobe is Slowly Building an Online Empire, about Adobe's agressive move to create online applications which will compliment (and integrate with) their desktop applications.

I've been checking out their version of web conferencing software, Adobe Connect, for an assignment.  I was pleasantly surprised with the power and versitility of the program.  If there other online apps turn out to be as functional as Connect, I can forsee them becoming a major online player.  There is the possible pitfall.  They must avoid creating online apps like their desktop application, which have fallenl victim to the bloatware phenomenon.


  • Jo Ann Hammond-Meiers September 8, 2008 - 11:14am

    Hi Thomas,

    I think Adobe, like any other "business" is there to compete and they will likely do well 

    However as an aside, regarding the Adobe company, II needed to talk to the service people about a couple of products I purchased and ended up with sales -- after at least 4 calls to the purchasing area -- and when I was on sales -- there were two men talking when they did not think I could "hear" -- they were talking about me to each other -- I found it rather interesting. The one man realized what had happened when I started speaking -- and he asked "are you okay". Interesting "sales talk" insights about the "sales orientation".

    When things go "well" then that's super for business (like th Adobe Connect experience that you Thomas and others gave our 610 class -- the technology presentation was very well done. 


  • Anonymous June 10, 2018 - 8:16pm

    Inntlligeece and simplicity - easy to understand how you think.
    - Amory