Landing : Athabascau University


Jut wondering about Educause(  I have been finding some interesting articles dealing with education and technology on their web site.  They accept memeberships from institutions only.  I checked the memebership list and AU was not on it.  Is this a scholarly source?


  • Jo Ann Hammond-Meiers October 28, 2008 - 8:26pm

    Hi Thomas,

    I've read several articles from educause in my courses over the past 3 years. I think it does have interesting articles. 

     I just looked on the url below and I liked what I was seeing. 

    In terms of membership -- I know that I've come to several places where AU was not on the list -- and I think that is not necessarily because it is not good -- but perhaps is not at the top of the list. Perhaps Terry could say more about how sources get to stay on the list. I know that they all costs institutions money and perhaps were not utilized as much --  a tracking maybe? 

    Jo Ann 



  • Terry Anderson October 29, 2008 - 9:51am

    Hi Thomas

    Educause is an American  "nonprofit association whose mission is to advance higher education by promoting the intelligent use of information technology." I have been to their conferences a few times- a lot of post-secondary IT types, huge trade show - actually place I saw my first LMS (from Ireland, in 1995).

    George Siemens and I published an article this year in their magazine. It was thoroughly edited, but not "peer reviewed" therefore goes in a different (and less prestigious column) on my CV, but probably had more readers!. I would not hesitate in referencing work published by EduCause, as they are highly renowned.



  • Jo Ann Hammond-Meiers October 29, 2008 - 4:44pm

    Hi Terry,

    Thanks for this interesting information about Educause and the original question too Thomas.

    I think it brings up the issue of peer review versus in some cases more readership -- which in itself is important to note when we are "starting out in DE"  -- especially as they edit thoroughly.   

    Jo Ann