Landing : Athabascau University

MDDE621: Emotional Intelligence

I once worked with a teacher that took great pride in informing me on several occassions that her I.Q. was very high.  I wish I had this quote for her as a comeback:

"Based on his extensive qualitative research, Golemen claims that emotional intelligence accounts for 85 percent to 90 percent of success at work, more than I.Q. or expertise, a view that Warren Bennis (1998) shares" (Merizow, 2000, p. 11).

There's hope for me yet! Cool


Mezirow, J. (2000). Learning to think like an adult: Core concepts of transformation theory. In Mezirow and Associates (Eds.), Learning as transformation: Critical perspectives on a theory in progress (pp. 3-33). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.