Landing : Athabascau University

Personal Reflections in Blogs

I think it is important to include personal reflections on your blog.  I've been blogging on Me2u for a while now and looking back on my blog posts reveals an interesting progression through the MDDE program. 

I'm doing the e-portfolio option for the course route of the MDDE program and I think the student blog post are an important component.  I'm approaching the end of the program and this term I am doing my last three courses.  I am going to start updating my progress or lack there of in these courses.

MDDE612 Experiential Learning

I am taking this course because I want to learn more about how my own life experiences influences my learning.  I'm struggling with understanding transformative learning theory and I have my first big assignment due February 9.  Right now I have no idea how I am going to complete this, but I find that a familiar theme until I sit down and start writing. 

I find it mysterious how when I am writing a paper it sometimes flows freely and at other times I suffer writers block.  I have to find my voice.

MDDE 617 Program Evaluation in Distance Education

I took this course because of the limited course options left to me (there was not a lot of courses this term that I was interested in). I did not think I was going to enjoy it, but surprisingly I am finding it even more interesting than MDDE612.

I had an annoying thing happen to me again this week with one of my postings.  I worked hard on one of three questions I had to answer this week and when I posted it I did not get any feedback.  Another student posted his answer right after me and ignored what I had to say and kind of hijacked the discussion.  I'm surprised at my reaction.  I was disappointed and a little upset.  Why?  It's not that big a deal. 

What bothered me most is the realization of how much I depend on the feedback.  It is not just an academic exercise.  It is an emotional one as well.  I want to be reassured that I am on the right track.  I appreciate it when people take the time to let me know when I am not. 

This is the second time I posted something this term and received no feedback (it happened once in the 612 course as well).  Why did it bother me?  I has this irrational reaction that nobody cared about what I thought.  I know this is not true but when it happened it is how I felt.  It also has to do with confidence.  I start thinking that maybe I'm not as good as I thought.  That's my stupid insecurities raising their ugly heads again.  

MDDE 663 Emerging Issues in Distance Education Technologies

When Terry Anderson agreed to put off this course (semi-independently) I was relieved.  One I was getting the chance to take a course with one of the top professors in this field (yes, a definite case of sucking up but a true statement) and it was one of the few courses remaining for me that I was extremely interested in being a tech geek.

My only regret is that I have to divide my time between the three courses.  I really want to concentrate my efforts on this course but right now the other two courses are demanding more time.  Is this because they are more structured and this one is more independent.  I have to be careful with my time here because this course is the most important to me.  I'll learn more about using technologies that I can transfer to my own teaching when I finish.


I write too much when I post to this blog.  I know most people will look at the length of this post and ignore it anyway.  I'm being selfish because the posts are really for me anyway.  I also know that I post too much to this blog as well.  I have a feeling the few people that do utilize this platform and check the blog postings regularly must think I am an arrogant, self-centered person, which I assure the few that read this I'm not.  I'm just too open and honest about myself and writing these blog posts helps me keep things in perspective.




  • Glenn Groulx February 10, 2009 - 10:36am

    hi Tom,

    I agree that there are definitely times when I would like to get more feedback from peers, and the 612 course is an example. But I realized that getting feedback from peers depends on a common frame of reference, common terms, and we are all just starting out. Things will likely improve as time goes on.

    The 663 course is an interesting course, and I have been doing a lot of background research in preparation for posting.  I completed the resource list as a group of bookmarks on my browser so far, and have several bookmarks and RSS feeds posted. and posted to the blog a few times already. I am also currently doing a literature search, and this is the time-eater.

    Talk with you tomorrow (Wed.) online. 
