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  • A Plan to Develop and Spread Better College Teaching Practices by Josh Fischman (Wired Campus)

A Plan to Develop and Spread Better College Teaching Practices by Josh Fischman (Wired Campus)

Great article (A Plan to Develop and Spread Better College Teaching Practices) about innovations changing teaching and learning and the need for the teaching community to become a learning system. The argument is that for this to happen the following must occur:

  • First, the teaching community needs to take advantage of the new digital technology to support Open Education, which a goal of changing pedagogical knowledge. The resources must focus on interaction within a social networking system.
  • Secondly, We need to adress the challenges of supporting a complex community of practice that takes advantage of digital resources and social networking that improves teaching and learning. It must employ the strengths seen as advantages in face-to-face interaction while dealing with the multitude of needs in a diverse community of practice all the while accommodating institutional requirements.

The implications reflect a need to transform educational practice: "Moving faculty-development communities from a focus on teaching to a focus on student learning is not easy. But it is crucial. And one of the ways we can advance it is by making better use of emerging tools like ePortfolios to collect and analyze the evidence of learning" (para. 9).

It seems like there is a counter-reaction to all the advances in technology and I wonder if some see it as a threat to their own practice.  I have taught with a lot of retiring teachers and I understand how they must feel being asked to take on something completely foreign to them.  But when so you say enough is enough?