(net time : 151 min)
scientific statement:
Provide an explanation or causal mechanism of a naturally occurring phenomenon
Generate predictions that are testable via observations that are replicable and natural
rationalism: reason, coherent
empiricism: experience, correspondent
logical positivism: empiricism + math logic – how science is built: reason + experience
operationalism: scientific concepts must be defined operationally
falseficationism: can only falsify, not prove; not universal principle– weed out statements which have no observable consequences
relativism: knowledge exist in relation to context or premise – no absolute truth or scientific knowledge
facts are theory-laden – no false thesis, but false system
realism: describe real, truth with accuracy – purpose of science
reductionism: particular -> general
emergence: part -> whole
3 knowledge
episteme: fitting in conceptual framework
tekhné: know how
gnosis: intuitive/insight
3 fundamental metaphysical assumption
Nature is ordered.
This order is comprehensible to human reason.
Our understanding of this order can be communicated without subjective bias.
scientific judgement: empirical(correspondence), rational(coherence), social
good theory: explanatory, simple, fertile, predictive
Gorgias skepticism: know nothing; Pyrrhonian skepticism: suspend judgement-> inductive attitude
Kuhn’s scientific revolution: paradigm-> too much inconsistency->revolution->new paradigm
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