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  • SIK Guide v4.0a - Project 4B: Temperature Sensor

SIK Guide v4.0a - Project 4B: Temperature Sensor

This circuit was similar to circuit #7 in the SIK guide v3.3.

This was a useful circuit and very straight forward. It was fairly cold in my room at the time (the sensor was only reading 12 degrees celsius). I found out that only certain text characters can be used when writing to a LCD display. I tried to use the degrees symbol from the windows character map application, but that appeared almost like a giant apostrophe on the display. I added the battery pack and right away had a portable temp sensor, useful for finding what room is your house is the coolest.

Temp sensor showing that the ambient room temp was cold at approximately +12C

SIK v4.0a - Project 4B Temperature Sensor

Here I was warming the temp sensor with my hand to see a change in temperature to ~ +24C

SIK v4.0a - Project 4B Temperature Sensor (warming sensor with hand)