(net time : 293 min)
Advantage of maths: simplicity, economy of effort, generality and precision
Q1: axiom?
Q2: no need to experiment?
Most of the contents are known in statistics courses
symmetry: invariance under transformation
temporal (displacement, scaling, reversal, periodicity), permutation, dynamic (conserved quantity)
natural classification: actual objects in the world; artificial classification: convenient way of making reference
top-down (attribute, sort) and bottom-up (inductive principle)
3 aspects of a type (sensory, abstract, linguistic)
typology: a classification used for sorting
taxonomy: hierarchically ordered classification, each level is a typology
3 conditions of typology(structural): clear boundary, completeness, exclusive types.
4 scales of typology(interpretation): consistency, equivalence, equidistance, independence
3 conditions of typological variables: universality, qualitative difference, logical independence
4 scales of typological variable attributes: nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio
linguistic map of the parameter space.
method of comparison: compare similarities and differences.
use in science – classification, historical reconstruction, generalization, hypothesis testing
phylogenetic taxonomies: family tree with hierarchy, constructed bottom-up and top-down, used to estimate evolution times.
total time = mutation number * year per mutation
mutation number =2 for 2 difference, =1 for 1 difference
Fig 11.3.1
3 types: strategic(bottom-up), tactical(top-down), simulation
9 stages: question->variables and parameters ->existing resource -> analytical tool -> basic model -> preliminary testing -> formalize, simplify, enrich -> hypothesis -> conceptual framework/paradigm
6 criteria: accuracy, relatedness, transparency, robustness, fertility, ease of enrichment(scalable)
5 values: suggest principles, indicate new direction, reach beyond observation, highlight relation in big data, overview for organizing and interpreting data
3 dangers: map for the territory (纸上谈兵, 按图索骥), bed of Procrusters (削足适履,all nails in one’s eye with hammer), unrelated (买椟还珠)
Q10: evolution
Q11: Mendel, hereditary, chromosome, gene, DNA.
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