This telling of Dr. Seuss' last story brilliantly sets it amidst Burning Man, a fantastic circus of a scene that makes the settings of Seuss' original illustrations seem relatively humdrum.
Watch it while you can: it went up yesterday, and Seuss' estate - which is quite litigious - hasn't seen this yet, or has been paid a king's ransom for the rights, or has abruptly become cool.
(Yes, you need to sign in to Youtube. On account of the incidental nudity. I did say it's set at Burning Man.)
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Thanks, Mark. That brightened my day.
Sweet. Lots of wisdom in Suess. Makes one want to go to BM. Thanks Mark.
- Michael Cenkner
Thank you for posting this. It sure is the most creative, imaginary, way of expressing the art. One of the best 10 minutes spent of my life. This reminds me of the Luminato festival in Toronto.