WHERE GOOD IDEAS COME FROM by Steven Johnson:"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NugRZGDbPFU&feature=youtu.be"
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Sounds like an argument for the landing!
More broadly, I am thinking of AU individualized learning in self-paced courses. It is great in a sense but missing something important -- collaborative learning. We need to figure out a solution for our unique model to promote peer group work.
I remember reading somewhere about how the Apple headquarters were designed with washrooms in just one location so that everyone ran into each other at some point. This was an approach to spark ideas and sharing. I also spent some time at BBC Learning in their new Media City campus at Salford Quays. They had put a lot of effort in the design of the physical space to aid the interaction and sharing described in the video.
None of this really answers your question, but is a good starting point for thinking about online spaces that would help.
Sounds amazing about those creative ideas and people's efforts on encouraging intreaction to happen. I am thinking it is time to use computer technologies to faciliatate the group work in self-paced courses, such as Intelligent Agent. I will talk about this in next presentation: AU discussion groups in self-paced courses: potentials, difficulties, and experiences.
Can you give me a quick preview? What is an Intelligent Agent? I would think that Learning Analytics have a lot of potential to enable interaction for self-paced leaners.. matching learners at similar stages. Or, alternately, matching a beginning leaner with a student mentor.. lots of possibilities but it is hard to guess which approaches will work.
Matching learners at similar stages is exactly what the IA is going to do. Here I think IA is closely related to Learning Analytics in that the IA needs to get each individual's stage by analyzing the students data, such as students' assignment submission date, log date, study guide progress ...
Matching a beginner learner with a student mentor is another very good idea, some call it peer-learning / study-buddy / web-buddy. For this, IA and learning analytics should still be needed in order to optimize the matching.
I'll be very interested to see your talk! Thanks