Landing : Athabascau University

MDDE Portfolio: Presenting Competencies for Artefact One


  • Jo Ann Hammond-Meiers March 27, 2010 - 5:53pm

    Dear Glenn,

    Thanks for sharing your process and the Power Point, which was a visual way and and effective way to critique an article with your highlighted emphasis. I haven't seen it done like this before.  I liked your idea of "perception" and relate it to "what we focus upon".  Our worlds change depending on what we focus upon -- even our neurology (neurogenisis theoretical and neurological research, Bil O'Hanlon, and also Daniel Siegel's work).

    I also think that "cold" is related to how activated the "insula is (or insulae are -- as there are 2" as it is this part of our brain that "feels the body's sense of cold". This quality response also can be a perceptual/proprioceptive response -- that may indicate "some" people would related to the technological experience in this way -- but not everyone.  Research will need to take into account individual neurology -- something that is basic to our mammalian nature.

Glenn Groulx

I am interested in exploring edublogging for literacy learners, to empower them to tell stories, and foster confidence in their voices.