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  • Jon Dron bookmarked Domesticated Cyborgs – Kevin Kelly December 7, 2011 - 12:02pm
    A great little article by Kevin Kelly about our cyborg nature - that we create our technologies and they create us. Only a slight variant on an old theme that can be found in Dewey, Churchill and McLuhan amongst many others but, as is often the...
  • Jon Dron commented on the blog And so it ends... November 27, 2011 - 6:17pm
    Thanks Giulia, Kelly and Stephen! Stephen, I thnk we agree wholeheartedly on this, though I suspect I didn't make that clear enough in this post. The last thing needed here is a simple system of badges, rankings and rewards: that's the quickest way...
  • Jon Dron commented on the blog Structure, behaviour and wood November 26, 2011 - 3:49am
    I like the perspective of opportunities as opposed to constraints, Cheryl! The hardest of technologies that involve a human component, such as machine operating procedures, stop creativity altogether - the results of creativity in such...
  • Jon Dron published a blog post And so it ends... November 25, 2011 - 10:05pm
    Well, actually, I'm very happy to continue the conversation and develop this group space if anyone is interested. However, we are reaching the end of my week at the Change11 MOOC so this is probably the last post in this space for a while, back to...
  • Jon Dron published a blog post Getting to the Goldilocks spot on the soft-hard continuum November 24, 2011 - 4:14pm
    There are very few technologies that are wholly hard or wholly soft, at least when viewed as an assembly. It is the proportion of soft/hard parts that make a particular assembly softer or harder. That's how come replacement can make things harder...
  • Jon Dron commented on a wiki page titled Discussion November 24, 2011 - 11:55am
    I totally agree Jaap that we should learn to use the tools well and that we should have great tools. By and large, people who care about teaching tend to learn about such things and become proficient in their use, but it doesn't have to be that way...
  • Jon Dron commented on the blog So, we had this meeting and talked about soft and hard things... November 24, 2011 - 11:25am
    Thanks Mark - I like that idea of alienation through mediation. That mediation gets very obvious sometimes, especially when part of it is divorced from its context - I'd forgotten about the sound recording or might have more often mentioned to what...
  • Jon Dron published a blog post So, we had this meeting and talked about soft and hard things... November 23, 2011 - 1:05pm
    I finished the first synchronous sesssion for my bit of the #change MOOC a little while ago. Self referentially, I was a victim of a hard technology of my own devising, a set of slides that formed the background to my talk that, as I talked through...
    • an unauthenticated user of the Landing November 23, 2011 - 1:38pm

      It was an interesting session, thanx, and I'm not sure that a non-linear path would have been more profitable for me Cool

      - jupidu

    • an unauthenticated user of the Landing November 24, 2011 - 3:49am

      Hi Jon

      It is interesting to read your comments about Blackboard Collaborate. I think it is sometimes useful when technology breaks, or we fumble or struggle with it. When it fails, it becomes visible, and we are aware of the mediated nature of our communication channels and technologies. Audio artifacts produced as a result of severe compression, the crackle of a radio signal, the banding in the colour gradation of a JPEG image, snow on analog TV (or image lag and frozen frames in digital TV), are all rips in the fabric that make the fabric visible. Mind the gap. Any new technologies is alway visible at first, because it is alien, unfamiliar, a foreign language. We put it on, wear it, and, eventually, are as comfortable with it as we are our own skin. It is so much a part of us that it disappears. We don't think of it any more than we think about our own embodiment.  I am reminded of Stelarc, the Australian performance artist, who once said that, if technology can enter the body (he swallowed a video camera and projected images of his stomach), and if the body can enter technology (he hooked himself up to the Internet and let anyone control his body remotely), then the skin is no longer a significant site. His project is about the disappearance of the body and all its senses. I think I am getting off track here, so I'll stop now. 

      Your change11 session on Wednesday (your time) gave me a lot to think about, as did the comments in the chat box. I heard something about another session on Friday (your time), so I'll look out for that. It's great that these sessions are recorded. I often listen to them after the event to catch the comments that I missed while typing and reading the text chat. Stephen often makes audio-only recordings, which I find particularly useful, as I can listen to them in a more focussed manner, while hanging out the laundry, cutting the grass, or engaging in some other task that leaves the brain free to concentrate.

      All the best,


      Mark McGuire

      Twitter: mark_mcguire


      - Mark McGuire

    • Jon Dron November 24, 2011 - 11:25am

      Thanks Mark - I like that idea of alienation through mediation. That mediation gets very obvious sometimes, especially when part of it is divorced from its context - I'd forgotten about the sound recording or might have more often mentioned to what and to whom I was replying in the chat box, for instance.

  • A recording of the live session for soft things, hard things and invisible elephants
  • Jon Dron bookmarked Any color you like, as long as it is Blackboard November 23, 2011 - 12:38pm
    I mentioned this during my talk for #Change11 today. It includes a survey I did of courses at the University of Brighton in 2005/6 where virtually all followed the default of providing announcements as the point of entry to the course, despite the...
  • The blog post for day 2 of my week at the Change11 MOOC... Yesterday I made a quick and dirty four-minute  video in which I explore the ways that a stick can become a technology because of how it can be combined with soft processes and used...
  • Jon Dron uploaded the file Jon holding a stick November 22, 2011 - 11:37am
    Why is Jon Dron holding a stick? Find out more at
  • Jon Dron uploaded the file Sticks and the nature of technology November 21, 2011 - 3:47pm
    In this short video (less than 4 minutes) I talk a bit about how a stick can become a technology through the orchestration of phenomena to some purpose. It's important to note that it is a different technology with each different use and...
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