Landing : Athabascau University
  • Wikis

All site wikis

  • Proposal to use data from external sites

    Last updated February 29, 2024 - 12:22pm by Ashutosh Singh in the group COMP 266
    Posted to group: COMP 266
    Overview: This proposal aims to improve our website's lesson area by adding pertinent YouTube videos. With this update, customers will have access to dynamic and interesting information that enhances their learning process in addition to the...
  • Unit 6 Reflection

    Last updated February 29, 2024 - 11:48am by Ashutosh Singh in the group COMP 266
    Posted to group: COMP 266
    Brief Description of Work: In Unit 6, I incorporated jQuery into a sign-in form to enhance its functionality and user experience. The form allows users to input their email and password for authentication, with options for resetting the form and...
  • Possible Use of jQuery in the Sign-In Form:

    Last updated February 29, 2024 - 11:38am by Ashutosh Singh in the group COMP 266
    Posted to group: COMP 266
      Adding dynamic functionality and improving user experience are two benefits of integrating jQuery into the sign-in form. This is how I would use jQuery in this situation:   Validation of Forms: To develop real-time form validation,...
  • JavaScript program design(s)

    Last updated February 26, 2024 - 9:58pm by Ashutosh Singh in the group COMP 266
    Posted to group: COMP 266
    <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head>   <meta charset="UTF-8">   <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">   <title>Dynamic Form Validation</title>  ...
  • Unit 5 - Reflection

    Last updated February 25, 2024 - 9:11pm by Ashutosh Singh in the group COMP 266
    Posted to group: COMP 266
    I started a thorough journey to create a JavaScript project for my website throughout this lesson, making sure it matched the personas and situations from lesson 1. The lesson included several important assignments, including design, coding,...
  • Unite 4 - Reflection

    Last updated February 25, 2024 - 8:54pm by Ashutosh Singh in the group COMP 266
    Posted to group: COMP 266
    I concentrated on understanding and using several JavaScript client-side scripting ideas during this lesson. Understanding JavaScript syntax, interacting with the Document Object Model (DOM), putting functions and loops into practice, and...
  • Unit 3 - Reflection

    Last updated February 25, 2024 - 7:53pm by Ashutosh Singh in the group COMP 266
    Posted to group: COMP 266
    Brief Description of Work: I concentrated on using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) in Unit 3 to improve the usability and aesthetic appeal of the web pages created in Unit 2. I made distinct CSS files and connected them to the HTML pages to make sure...
  • Three ideas for using JavaScript

    Last updated February 23, 2024 - 11:58pm by Ashutosh Singh in the group COMP 266
    Posted to group: COMP 266
    Idea 1: Interactive Image Gallery: Idea: Provide an interactive picture gallery that allows users to view bigger photographs by clicking on thumbnails. The larger picture should open in a modal window or light box overlay when a user clicks on a...
  • Three ideas for using JavaScript

    Last updated February 23, 2024 - 11:43pm by Ashutosh Singh in the group COMP 266
    Posted to group: COMP 266
    Idea 1: Interactive Image Gallery: Idea: Provide an interactive picture gallery that allows users to view bigger photographs by clicking on thumbnails. The larger picture should open in a modal window or lightbox overlay when a user clicks on a...
  • Three ideas for using JavaScript

    Last updated February 23, 2024 - 11:41pm by Ashutosh Singh in the group COMP 266
    Posted to group: COMP 266
    Idea 1: Interactive Image Gallery: Idea: Provide an interactive picture gallery that allows users to view bigger photographs by clicking on thumbnails. The larger picture should open in a modal window or lightbox overlay when a user clicks on a...