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  • Unite 4 - Reflection

    Last updated February 25, 2024 - 8:54pm by Ashutosh Singh in the group COMP 266
    Posted to group: COMP 266
    I concentrated on understanding and using several JavaScript client-side scripting ideas during this lesson. Understanding JavaScript syntax, interacting with the Document Object Model (DOM), putting functions and loops into practice, and...
  • Unit 3 - Reflection

    Last updated February 25, 2024 - 7:53pm by Ashutosh Singh in the group COMP 266
    Posted to group: COMP 266
    Brief Description of Work: I concentrated on using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) in Unit 3 to improve the usability and aesthetic appeal of the web pages created in Unit 2. I made distinct CSS files and connected them to the HTML pages to make sure...
  • Three ideas for using JavaScript

    Last updated February 23, 2024 - 11:58pm by Ashutosh Singh in the group COMP 266
    Posted to group: COMP 266
    Idea 1: Interactive Image Gallery: Idea: Provide an interactive picture gallery that allows users to view bigger photographs by clicking on thumbnails. The larger picture should open in a modal window or light box overlay when a user clicks on a...
  • Three ideas for using JavaScript

    Last updated February 23, 2024 - 11:43pm by Ashutosh Singh in the group COMP 266
    Posted to group: COMP 266
    Idea 1: Interactive Image Gallery: Idea: Provide an interactive picture gallery that allows users to view bigger photographs by clicking on thumbnails. The larger picture should open in a modal window or lightbox overlay when a user clicks on a...
  • Three ideas for using JavaScript

    Last updated February 23, 2024 - 11:41pm by Ashutosh Singh in the group COMP 266
    Posted to group: COMP 266
    Idea 1: Interactive Image Gallery: Idea: Provide an interactive picture gallery that allows users to view bigger photographs by clicking on thumbnails. The larger picture should open in a modal window or lightbox overlay when a user clicks on a...
  • Three ideas for using JavaScript

    Last updated February 23, 2024 - 11:40pm by Ashutosh Singh in the group COMP 266
    Posted to group: COMP 266
    Idea 1: Interactive Image Gallery: Idea: Provide an interactive picture gallery that allows users to view bigger photographs by clicking on thumbnails. The larger picture should open in a modal window or lightbox overlay when a user clicks on a...
  • Three ideas for using JavaScript

    Last updated February 23, 2024 - 11:40pm by Ashutosh Singh in the group COMP 266
    Posted to group: COMP 266
    Idea 1: Interactive Image Gallery: Idea: Provide an interactive picture gallery that allows users to view bigger photographs by clicking on thumbnails. The larger picture should open in a modal window or lightbox overlay when a user clicks on a...
  • Unit 2- Reflection

    Last updated February 21, 2024 - 11:51pm by Ashutosh Singh in the group COMP 266
    Posted to group: COMP 266
    In this Unit, I concentrated on understanding and using Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) to make organized websites. Understanding HTML foundations, ensuring standards compliance, and enhancing accessibility by the personas and situations...
  • Unit 2- Reflection

    Last updated February 21, 2024 - 11:48pm by Ashutosh Singh in the group COMP 266
    Posted to group: COMP 266
    In this Unit, I concentrated on understanding and using Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) to make organized websites. Understanding HTML foundations, ensuring standards compliance, and enhancing accessibility by the personas and situations...
  • Unit 2- Reflection

    Last updated February 21, 2024 - 11:39pm by Ashutosh Singh in the group COMP 266
    Posted to group: COMP 266
    In this Unit, I concentrated on understanding and using Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) to make organized websites. Understanding HTML foundations, ensuring standards compliance, and enhancing accessibility by the personas and situations...