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This page is a place to share good ideas and ways of using the Landing. If you find or invent any good tricks or ways of doing things, please share them on this page.
The group search facility is useful but, if you enter a person's name, their posts will not necessarily be found unless their name was explicitly mentioned in the title, text or tags of a post. However, if you know their username, you can use that instead and it will find all of their posts. You can discover someone's username by looking at their profile - the username is the last word in the URL. For instance, Jon Dron's profile is at so Jon Dron's username is jond.
Saving a search and showing it in a widget
I quite often find myself performing the same searches and would quite often like to see them on my dashboard or profile. The 'external feed' widget comes to the rescue here, because you can make an RSS feed from any search. That way if, for example, you want to show the latest blog posts that are tagged with a keyword that interests you, you can always see them when you arrive at the Landing. Here's how...
Voila - saved search!
Using HTML
There are limitations on the HTML that is allowed in things you create here - you cannot embed objects, or frames, or other code that might be harmful, and poor HTML will be corrected by the filter, but that shouldn't stop you being able to use style formatting inline within your code: you should (with care) be able to copy HTML created by an HTML editor or hand-code it yourself if you know how to do it, simply by clicking the HTML button on the editor and editing the code directly.
Organising files and posts
The Landing has folders in which you can organise your files and bookmarks, though you don't have to use them and you can simply choose to look at them as a long list.
In groups, group owners can choose the order in which files or bookmarks are displayed. By default, they show in alphabetical order but if you click the 'Edit group' button then select the 'other options' tab, you will see options to change to date or alphabetical order, and to choose whether the order is ascending or descending.
For most things, including files, tags are an effective way to keep things organised, allowing you to group together many different kinds of item and search for them quickly and easily.
The Landing is a social site for Athabasca University staff, students and invited guests. It is a space where they can share, communicate and connect with anyone or everyone.
Unless you are logged in, you will only be able to see the fraction of posts on the site that have been made public. Right now you are not logged in.
If you have an Athabasca University login ID, use your standard username and password to access this site.
We welcome comments on public posts from members of the public. Please note, however, that all comments made on public posts must be moderated by their owners before they become visible on the site. The owner of the post (and no one else) has to do that.
If you want the full range of features and you have a login ID, log in using the links at the top of the page or at (logins are secure and encrypted)
Posts made here are the responsibility of their owners and may not reflect the views of Athabasca University.