Landing : Athabascau University

B. Learning styles: Problem solving, analysis, & decision making: Revision

Last updated January 22, 2012 - 3:28pm by Terumi MiyaZoé

This section aims to demonstrate my acquisition of MDE Competencies Group 1: Problem solving, analysis, and decision making. For this purpose, the first course work assignment from MDDE 621: Online Teaching in Distance Education and Training is presented. The paper investigates the validity and reliability issues of using MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) for factor analysis in online distance learning.

To show clear correspondence between the parts in the presented paper and the MDE Competencies Group 1, the commenting function of Word was used to highlight the corresponding texts in the paper.

In the course work paper on p.2, lines four to six are highlighted. This part defines the aspects of the problem that will be discussed in this paper (competency 1.1).

On p.2, lines 21 to 23 refer to the part that formulates the question that will be examined in the paper (competency 1.3).

On p.3, lines 10 to 12 refer to the part that provides access to the relevant information in this paper (competency 1.4).

The six lines from the bottom of p.3 to the top of p.4, indicate the part that identifies the problem to be solved in this paper (competency 1.1).

On p.4, lines 9 to 11 present an alternative view to the critique of the paper (competency 1.6).

The sections on “dichotomy” and “typology” on pp.4-5 in the paper are included to help develop the original arguments to be taken into account regarding the validity and reliability of the psychological instrument (competency 1.7).

The paragraph from the bottom of p.5 to the top of p.6, covers the two points of proposing a rational solution (competency 1.7) and justifying the use of this solution (competency 1.8).

However, this paper per se is submitted as a paper for this specific course only, and therefore, is not intended to cover the wider application that the paper presents (competencies 1.9 to 1.11).