Landing : Athabascau University

Hongxin Yan

Study Program

I am currently a part-time doctoral student at University of Eastern Finland. My study program is IMPDET-LE (International Multidisciplinary PhD Studies in Educational Technology & Learning Environments) in the fields of educational technology and ICT for Development. The program website is:


Research Insterest and Topic

My research interest is personalized and adaptive learning, with the focus on how to use educational technologies like artificial intelligence or learning analytics to facilitate personalized learning.

My current research topic is:

online course design to facilitate learning analytics in identiftying struggling students


Research Resutls


Yan, Hongxin, and Sandra Law. "Designing an Interactive OER Course Development at Athabasca University Based on ODL Principles." Open Praxis 5.4 (2013): 325-334.


Software Designs

coming ...