Landing : Athabascau University


  • Rory McGreal published a blog post On instructor quality and interaction December 14, 2011 - 10:10am
    Tony Bates has an interesting blog on the year in elearning:  I respond to one of his comments below.   Tony, You say:...
  • Rory McGreal published a blog post Exchange with a Writer November 30, 2011 - 11:18am
    Below is an exchange on points raised by a Canadian writer. The Writer’s statements are in blue   GIVING IT AWAY   RORY>> The term “Giving it away" is simply erroneous in the context of copyright infringement. Even a...
  • Rory McGreal published a blog post POERUP (Policies for OER UPtake) November 21, 2011 - 8:15am
    OERUP (Policies for OER Uptake) is a European project approved by the Lifelong Learning Programme under Key Activity 3 ICT The aim of this project is to examine policies on OER in Europe with some external examples. AU investigators Terry Anderson...
  • Rory McGreal published a blog post Interview with Chair and OERu Meeting in New Zealand November 21, 2011 - 8:09am
      In  a recent interview in the UK, Professor Rory McGreal highlights cost effectiveness as the key to success of the OERu:   "Cost effectiveness is the key… How do we educate these 97 million learners … in a...
  • Rory McGreal published a blog post My presentation at Open Education 2011 conference (video) November 14, 2011 - 3:13am
    Open Educational Resources (OER) Rory McGreal, Board member of the OER Foundation is interviewed by on the OERu. Alternative Ways to Earn Your Degree: Discussing OER University | Open Educational Resources...
  • Rory McGreal added a new discussion topic Google launches eBookstore in Canada: in the group Open Educational Resources (OERs) November 3, 2011 - 9:57am
    Google announced Tuesday the launch of the Google eBookstore in Canada, which will allow Canadian users to download digital books that can be read on tablets, e-readers, and personal computers. The company also plans to give independent Canadian...
  • Rory McGreal added a new discussion topic Community garden in the group Open Educational Resources (OERs) November 3, 2011 - 9:56am
    Michael, I really enjoyed the videos and I understand that "sustainability" is essential for OER, but the bigger issue as far as I can see is that the present educational & ed publishing systems are NOT sustainable. The traditional universities...
  • Rory McGreal published a blog post Changes 11 Discussion: UNESCO/COL OER Guidelines October 23, 2011 - 11:02am
    The draft UNESCO/COL OER Guidelines for Higher Education are available. The final report will become available on November 1st. Excerpt: These guidelines outline key issues and suggestions for integrating OER into higher education. Their purpose...
    • an unauthenticated user of the Landing October 29, 2011 - 12:27pm

       As a prospective student, one of the most difficult decisions beyond interest in a particular course, is how to sieve through the alternatives available, and make a selection that somehow integrates into a desirable course progression (framework) leading to recognized credentials; degree and so on. Traditional distance learning institutions whether online or otherwise provide such student academic support. So the following questions come to mind regarding the OERu student support framework:

      <!--[if !supportLists]-->1.       <!--[endif]-->Is the OERu essentially a facilitator giving the student/user access to OERs and the options of taking course progression as dictated by the partner institutions’ degrees/courses available, or will OERu be offering a variety of courses which can lead to creative/innovative degrees a case in example being the Open Programme offered by OU-UK.

      <!--[if !supportLists]-->2.       <!--[endif]-->Initially no doubt the number of OER available will essentially control whatever progression. However, could you please elaborate on what the long term plans are to deal with, students’ academic advice and support particularly in the review and selection of career/course progression within OERu?

      - lucky

    • an unauthenticated user of the Landing February 6, 2012 - 11:45pm

      I am sure you will love imtoo dvd to mp4 converter and get big save at my estore

      - Runsesabra

  • Rory McGreal published a blog post Changes11 Discussion: Why OER? Proprietary controls October 22, 2011 - 10:32pm
    OER are needed because educators and their students cannot properly function given the controls that publishers place on their content. They can technically control how, when, where, and with what specific brands of technological assistance...
  • Rory McGreal published a blog post A response to Access Copyright CEO September 21, 2011 - 3:20pm
    In response to the commentary by Maureen Cavan of September 20, 2011 in the Guardian Newsletter I would like to respond  to her “three unfounded objections” with the position taken by our university.  Ms Cavan suggests...
  • Rory McGreal commented on the blog OER are essential for 21st Century learning September 12, 2011 - 11:46am
    Eric, This is a perennial question that has an obvious answer. The proprietary textbook and course materials world that we live in now is the one that is not sustainable. In fact the question needs to be turned on its head. The present sysemt is...
  • I have just had published, with a colleague, a comparison of AUPress with three other traditional (non-open access) Canadian university presses. The analysis is based on the rankings that are correlated with book sales on and
  • Rory McGreal published a blog post OER are essential for 21st Century learning September 11, 2011 - 6:26pm
    Open Educational Resources (OER) constitute an essential resource for 21st century learning with the potential to facilitate the expansion of mobile learning worldwide.  The technological and legal flexibility of OER is a must  for...
    • Eric von Stackelberg September 11, 2011 - 11:34pm

      While I believe early adoption of open policies are in organizations and individuals best interests I am curious as to how OER would be funded in a sustainable manner. Can you recommend links, or primers for a layperson?

    • Rory McGreal September 12, 2011 - 11:46am


      This is a perennial question that has an obvious answer. The proprietary textbook and course materials world that we live in now is the one that is not sustainable. In fact the question needs to be turned on its head. The present sysemt is not sustainable. We, and our students, cannot afford to continue paying exorbitant fees for texts that change at the publisher's whim. OER are FREE. As the supply increases and the quality improves we will be able to replace proprietary content with OER, thus reducing cost and increasing our sustainability. Institutions and students already pay heavily for content. A small portion of these dollars can be re-directed to support OER deployment.

      all the best.


    • Eric von Stackelberg September 12, 2011 - 2:52pm

      I agree wholeheartedly that the present system does not scale and there are other channels now available other than publishers that can and should be used. What I was trying to understanding is how the costs of creation and delivery are accommodated and whether eliminating publishing costs are the only savings or if there are structural changes in what constitutes the Intellectual Property supply chain. In consideration of this, does the creation of OER's actually form a useful viable marketplace within a university?