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AU's new e-portfolio option

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By Thomas Sheppard September 11, 2008 - 11:19am Comments (1)

Just got an email from Glenda at AU.  They are implementing an electronic portfolio option for those of us going the course route in the MDDE program.  Intriguing!  If I go this route, and I am definitely leaning this way, I will have to use Me2U, which I do.  The neurons are firing rapidly.  What if I can include podcasting, screencasting, adn the LEGO robotics unit I developed?  All of it was influenced by the ideas and knowledge I have gained during my studies.

I look at the e-portfolio option as a great example of how AU has responded to changes in technology and the potential advances in teaching and learning thataccompany it.  Way to go!


  • Terry Anderson September 12, 2008 - 10:33am

    Thanks for the comment Thomas. I too think that this a positive (if long awaited) announcement. I've sat through a number of "comps" and haven't found the learning to be that great and so am looking forward to participating in some of the reviews of e-portfoliuos accumulated during the MDE program.