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  • What version of the Sparkfun Inventor's Kit did everyone get?

What version of the Sparkfun Inventor's Kit did everyone get?

Hey, I received the SIK version 4.0 which included the SIK guide v4.0a. I noticed in the Instructors Notebook that we are supposed to be using the SIK guide version 3.3 and also read in a recent post from another student that they were also using the SIK v3.3, but it looks like both version are somewhat different.

Here are some of the differences in the components that were included: Version 4.0 has 2 gear motors and an ultrasonic sensor where as version 3.3 says the kit comes with 1 DC motor,  diode, transistor, flex sensor, soft potetiometer and some otehr devices. There are many other differences as well between the two versions; The circuits are numbered 1 through 16 in the SIK v3.3 where the 16th circuit is the simon says game. In the SIK v4.0a there are "projects" 1 through 5 and each project has circuits 1A, 1B & 1C etc. with Project 2, circuit 2C being the "Simon says" game. It looks like if I am to use the SIK v3.3 guide then I may need extra components to complete some of the more advanced circuits.

Was anyone else confused about this too? I ended up getting pretty far using the 4.0a guide, since it came with my kit, and now I feel like I wasted a bunch of time and have to start from scratch, knowing that I may not be able to complete some of the circuits from the SIK v3.3 guide. I wouldn't be surprised if I'm mistaken though. 

Anyways let me know what everyone else thinks on this? Any feedback is appreciated. 


  • Jesse Nesvold April 23, 2019 - 10:55am

    Yes, I just started and the instructor notes follow the old v3.3 kit. There are only some minor differences, and with that said, I downloaded the old v3.3 SIK manual and just cross reference between the two. Hope that helps.

  • Tyler Matthews April 27, 2019 - 7:47am

    I also received the 4.0 kit, and have completed all the units requiring the 3.3 guide.

    I followed along the best I could using the 3.3 guide and doing the workbook exercies, that could be done with the provided kit, and where I couldn't I simply said so. You can check out my weblog, to see more clearly what I did.


  • Francois Michon June 3, 2019 - 3:44pm

    hi there

    I just started the course, and I have taken the other approach, before having seen your comments.  I received version 4.0 of the kit, and downloaded the errata pdf from their website.  I am following the 4.0 exercises.  

    From what I understand of the assignment requirements, no specific experiments are required, but examples that contain certain parts and actions to demonstrate understanding.

    Here is the quote from Assignment 1 (with the link after):

    • Your weblog should contain designs, discussion, and diary entries that describe working examples which demonstrate exercises and concepts covered in Unit 1 and 2 inclusive
    • Working examples will include moving actuators such as motors, turning LED lights on and off, and sensing light levels.