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  • Brent Beaudry published a blog post Unit 6 Reflection December 26, 2020 - 2:28pm
    I decided to use unit 6 to incorporate an engaging cursor follower to make the cursor easier to track and more interesting to the main client: kids. I wanted an emoji to follow the mouse pointer. I found a great example of code at...
  • Brent Beaudry published a blog post Unit 5 Reflection December 26, 2020 - 2:27pm
    I have some experience in web development, although it was briefly a few years ago, so I have a little experience with Javascript already. I have also completed COMP268 (Intro to Java) and COMP266 (Intro to C++) so using programming language is...
  • Calvin Carley published a blog post Unit 4 - JS in the group COMP 266 December 21, 2020 - 12:31pm
    I chose a timer for my JavaScript. My personas do not have a lot of time and are typically stressed or anxious already. Having to “set a timer” is an extra step, possible causing more stress or panic as they are currently not able to...
  • Brent Beaudry published a blog post Unit 7 proposal December 21, 2020 - 9:06am
    The only API I can think of to integrate to a site such as I am building is the Google Maps API, to incorporate into an activity, and even that is questionable due to the security and privacy requirements. My proposal is to use Google Maps API in...
  • Mipam Lauder published a blog post Unit 1: Site Design in the group COMP 266 December 20, 2020 - 2:46pm
    It took me a bit to decide on the general outline for the site. I’m not very visually creative, so I have trouble picturing exactly how the site will look in the end. I decided on splitting up Vancouver Island into 5 different sections and...
  • Mipam Lauder uploaded the file Website theme and purpose in the group COMP 266 December 20, 2020 - 2:21pm
  • Brent Beaudry published a blog post Unit 6 proposal December 19, 2020 - 12:40pm
    The jQuery idea is simply to make a custom cursor that will be interesting and engaging to the client. It will be styled using css, and will be larger and more colorful, which will be much more engaging to the typical client of the site. For the...
  • Brent Beaudry published a blog post Unit 5 Javascript design December 19, 2020 - 10:13am
    The ideas for javascript are interactive activities for students that focus on grammar and vocabulary skills for young students, one of the three primary demographics for the site. 1)      the first activity to be called...
  • Gerald Abshez published a blog post AWS Educate - On Demand vs Spot December 16, 2020 - 1:32pm
    Here's a short bit about on demand vs. spot instances, and management of "credits" on AWS Educate in general. First, the thing to remember is that the service is giving you a certain amount of credit for free, which is awesome and I'm thankful...
  • Khurshid Sadiq published a blog post Unit 5: Java Script programming design December 16, 2020 - 11:02am
    Pakistan National Anthemvar myMusic= document.getElementById("music");function play() {;}function...
  • Calvin Carley uploaded the file Unit3CSS December 11, 2020 - 10:59am
  • Michelle Dina Lee commented on a bookmark EdTech Books December 6, 2020 - 8:44am
    Nicolosus and Dr. Dron, Thank you so much for your valuable insight into homeschooling. Your comments are highly appreciated and very valuable to me.
  • Jon Dron commented on a bookmark EdTech Books December 5, 2020 - 12:07pm
    I couldn't add anything on homeschooling that Nicolosus hasn't said far better! Yes, the huge advantage of homeschooling is that you can follow the vein of gold that is a child's curiosity far more effectively than when you have to follow a...
  • Trevor K commented on a bookmark EdTech Books December 5, 2020 - 10:48am
    Ya this pandemic has been hard on everyone... To summarize my school years, from K-5 I was in public school, from 6-12 I was homeschooled. I loved it! But I was also not your typical kid... I love to learn, and I learned at a faster rate than most...
  • Michelle Dina Lee commented on a bookmark EdTech Books December 4, 2020 - 3:44pm
    Hi Nicolosus, That's wonderful! Thanks and I look forward to hearing about your home schooling experience as a child. This is for my six-year-old girl. I am so afraid of this pandemic potentially spreading in schools.
  • Trevor K commented on a bookmark EdTech Books December 4, 2020 - 3:36pm
    HI Michelle,   I know you were reaching out to Dr. Dron, but if I can help as well I would be glad to. I was homeschooled for the latter part of my school years and could maybe share some insight on the viewpoint of the children.
  • Michelle Dina Lee commented on a bookmark EdTech Books December 4, 2020 - 2:55pm
    Dear Dr. Dron, I found some great books on K-12 education on the edtechbooks site you shared. Thank you. I consider my formal education on computer science and applied linguistics instrumental fields. I am looking into apply them, in a meaningful...
  • Michelle Dina Lee commented on a bookmark EdTech Books November 30, 2020 - 8:18am
    Thank you for the great openbook site. I bookmarked it for the educational resources I was looking for. 
  • Youssef Girgeis published a blog post COMP 361 - Assignment 5: Reflection November 29, 2020 - 5:52pm
    . I found this assignment to be the easiest among all the assignments of this course
  • Marc-Antoine Petit created a wiki page fault prevention November 27, 2020 - 5:35am
    In order to minimize faults, the database would have to adhere to ACID properties. First atomicity will require for any transaction to fail should part of the transaction fails. This should be simply attainable with referential integrity throughout...