Landing : Athabascau University


  • I've been playing with this app on Mac, iPhone and iPad for a few days and am finding it quite useful, if so far lacking in some quite important features. The general idea is that you use it to record thoughts and notes, and that it asynchronously...
  • Jon Dron replied on the discussion topic Apartment Rental DB: Security and Fault Management June 18, 2012 - 1:45pm
    This is nicely done - makes a lot of sense in the business context!
  • An interesting model intended to create a cut-price for-profit top-class university. It could work. The combination of online learning with a novel approach to kindling a traditional face-to-face academic community, mixed in with a focus on high...
    • Anonymous January 6, 2015 - 12:20pm

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  • I've loved Clay Shirky's writings for well over a decade. In this interview he presents some characteristically fine insights. I particularly like what he has to say about universities: "Plainly universities are the kind of institutions that are...
    • Eric von Stackelberg June 19, 2012 - 10:09am

      Excellent stuff, but are universities really about the library or the social environment for learning. Looking at a local campus the number of buildings dedicated to libraries versus the number of buildings dedicated to other things suggests to me that while libaries are a draw they are not the purpose. The purpose is actually social (in the context of a learning environment) and making those social structures online will contribute to the success of the institution. I think Clay Shirky has a made an excellent point on groups, we see them in our physical presence, it only makes sense that a similar need would occur in our online presence.

      Yesterday gentlemen X donated a library, tomorrow will he be sponsoring an open journal hosted by a university, an open project, a research project?


      I would argue that gentlemen X donate the library for social standing

  • A recording of my presentation at the Follow the Sun 2012 conference on finding the pedagogical spot that is not too hard, not too soft, but just right. The context was open learning and my take on this was that open access is only part of the...
  • Jon Dron replied on the discussion topic DB Capacity Planning June 14, 2012 - 10:19am
    This is great detailed information - really good thorough testing and analysis.
  • Jon Dron replied on the discussion topic Apartment Rental DB Diagram and Scripts June 11, 2012 - 10:50am
    These all seem to make good business sense. It would be worth making it explicit whether these might be ad hoc queries or ones that are used regularly as part of an application. I imagine that the construction material query, for example, might not...
  • Jon Dron replied on the discussion topic SQL quiz June 11, 2012 - 10:45am
    Seems to be working for me too - perhaps a time-out glitch. Moodle is usually quite good at redirecting when that happens but it is not quite infallible. Tell me if it happens again and I'll get someone to look at it. J
  • Perhaps the strangest thing about this story is that it is not the first time it has happened. In 2008, residents of another Romanian town elected a dead man as mayor: "I know he died, but I don't want change," a pro-Ivascu resident told...
    • an unauthenticated user of the Landing June 8, 2012 - 11:28am

      Excellent! Perhaps if we thought of teaching and learning more as art than science ...

      I think Klee's Twittering Machine portrays an interesting possible depiction of your above commentary:

      The picture depicts a group of birds, largely line drawings; all save the first are shackled on a wire; Each of the birds is open-beaked, with a jagged or rounded shape emerging from its mouth, widely interpreted as its protruding tongue.The end of the perch dips into a crank.

      ..."Like Charles Chaplin caught in the gears of Modern Times, they [the birds] whir helplessly, their heads flopping in exhaustion and pathos. One bird's tongue flies up out of its beak, an exclamation point punctuating its grim fate—to chirp under compulsion."

      The more horrifying the world becomes, the more art becomes abstract. - Paul Klee

      - Carmen

  • Jon Dron replied on the discussion topic Apartment Rental DB Diagram and Scripts June 4, 2012 - 3:26pm
    I hope that 'Jon Dron' gets to live somewhere nice 
  • Jon Dron bookmarked EdgeRank June 4, 2012 - 1:51pm
    A neat site set up to explain how Facebook's powerful and profitable EdgeRank algorithm works. Very straightforward and easily understood explanation if a little lacking in detail (probably because the precise details are a moving target and likely...
  • Jon Dron uploaded the file dashboard screenshot June 1, 2012 - 11:55am
  • Jon Dron uploaded the file notification settings screenshot June 1, 2012 - 11:54am
  • Jon Dron uploaded the file profile screenshot June 1, 2012 - 11:53am
  • Jon Dron uploaded the file group screenshot June 1, 2012 - 11:52am
  • Jon Dron uploaded the file following notification screenshot June 1, 2012 - 11:52am
  • Jon Dron commented on the file DBDiagram.png May 30, 2012 - 5:05pm
    One interesting implication of this is that the company is not interested in keeping records of previous occupants. I wonder whether it may sometimes be useful for them to know how to contact a previous resident (e.g. to reclaim money or pass on...
  • Jon Dron commented on the blog COMP 602 – Week 4 – Reflection May 30, 2012 - 4:58pm
    The discovery of new attributes is a really interesting side-effect of following the process. Great discovery! It helps to confirm my belief that this is worthwhile even when the end result will not be a relational database. The man who taught me...