Landing : Athabascau University


  • Jon Dron commented on the blog Finally, a new CLDD website is publicly available April 12, 2012 - 4:39pm
    Excellent. It's great to see this developing - would be nice to see such good communication right the way across the university. I think we are getting there but there are pockets here and there that are unloved by their makers. 
  • Jon Dron commented on the blog Finally, a new CLDD website is publicly available April 6, 2012 - 11:14am
    Looking good!  NIce to see examples etc so prominently displayed, and some useful information that is pretty easy to find. Also excellent to be able to open this out to the broader community for commentary here. One or two thoughts... It's not...
  • These are the original Keynote format slides from a keynote talk given by Terry Anderson and me at NLC2012. This file contains notes that are not available in the version...
  • Canada currently tops the list as the best place to be if you are seeking an academic career, at least in terms of salary. Good to hear, especially in these times of economic uncertainty, hiring freezes, dropping salaries (in real terms) and...
  • Brilliant student post-human essay looking, ostensively, at rhizomatic learning and Connectivism but that is, in reality, a self referential deconstruction of academic essays and connected knowledge in which every singleword is hyperlinked....
    • Mark A. McCutcheon April 3, 2012 - 11:34am

      That's a lot of linking! I bet more work went into coding than writing here. This is the kind of experimental research writing that highlights the patent absurdity of Access Copyright's claims that linking is "copying" and should be surveilled and charged a fee. Writing like this could simply cripple any mechanism AC might devise for doing so, just by overloading it.

  • Useful list of TEL and distance/open learning journals from the good folk at OUNL Handy for those researching e-learning who are seeking good places to publish their work, or simply for finding things that are worth reading in the field. 
  • Jon Dron commented on the file Finding Baby Bear's Bed: a tale of two spaces March 25, 2012 - 10:09am
    Excellent event - plenty of great ideas and developments in the fast-growing Elgg community. Not just Elgg ideas - here's just one example of something we might want to look at at AU and any other place where user-controlled video needing no special...
  • Jon Dron uploaded the file Finding Baby Bear's Bed: a tale of two spaces March 24, 2012 - 11:24am
    Slides for my talk at ElggCamp, SF 2012. Talks about some lessons learned from experiences at the University of Brighton's social network, community@brighton, and how that helped to shape the design philosophy behind the Landing at Athabasca...
    • George Siemens March 24, 2012 - 4:04pm

      Hi Jon - looks like a great presentation! Like the emphasis on critical passion, not only mass. 

      How was ElggCamp?

    • Jon Dron March 25, 2012 - 10:09am

      Excellent event - plenty of great ideas and developments in the fast-growing Elgg community. Not just Elgg ideas - here's just one example of something we might want to look at at AU and any other place where user-controlled video needing no special equipment would be useful (conferences etc):

  • This story has been building for a while. Incredible that there might be universities and colleges with so little respect for their own students.   It is lucky that this is bad for Facebook business otherwise, in the absence of US laws that...
    • Heather Clitheroe March 23, 2012 - 9:19am

      I suspect the bit about student athletes having a monitor has more to do with eligibility and recruitment rules. If an athlete has a letter of intent, for example, they're not allowed to contact coaching staff at another institution or be contacted (without telling your coaching staff). CIS is like that; I suspect NCAA probably is, too. Facebook would be an ideal way for an unethical recruiter to pressure a student athelete (and the letter of intent prohibits an athlete from contacting other institutions, too).

    • Anonymous January 3, 2015 - 8:24pm

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  • Jon Dron commented on a bookmark Do E-Books Make It Harder to Remember What You Just Read? March 22, 2012 - 10:21am
    That sounds like a good project for a masters student :-) Yes, there are benefits to e-readers that are hard or impossible to achieve with paper. PDF is a horrible format to read on an e-reader though - I'm hoping it will eventually become a small...
  • Jon Dron is now following Teodora Dotzeva March 20, 2012 - 7:14pm
  • Jon Dron uploaded the file landing top toolbar March 19, 2012 - 7:57pm
    The Landing toolbar
  • Jon Dron commented on a bookmark Do E-Books Make It Harder to Remember What You Just Read? March 19, 2012 - 1:15pm
    Absolutely - in most ways I think ebooks are better than paper, or payrus  scrolls, or tablets of clay, though each technology has some very compelling benefits that the others lack. Much as I like books as objects, love the smell and feel of...
  • Jon Dron commented on a bookmark Do E-Books Make It Harder to Remember What You Just Read? March 19, 2012 - 10:09am
    Thanks Rich I too use GoodReader for many things - it's great for marking and commenting on student essays, for instance. I think it's a very good point that annotations can make a huge difference to how much you remember and that's a crucial skill...
  • The answer to this question seems to be a guarded 'yes'. The issue seems to be that we remember things in books not just because of content but because of context - where it was on the page, where it was in the book. In fact, i can sometimes recall...
    • Jon Dron March 19, 2012 - 1:15pm

      Absolutely - in most ways I think ebooks are better than paper, or payrus  scrolls, or tablets of clay, though each technology has some very compelling benefits that the others lack. Much as I like books as objects, love the smell and feel of them, and recognise that current technologies mean that they are better for a couple of things (big pictures where you want to see the whole thing at once, reading in the bath, reading when away from a power source for a few days etc), I far prefer e-reading to reading from paper for most of the things I read. It's just better in almost every way. However, if paper has advantages when it comes to knowledge retention, then I think we need to improve the e-readers to match and possibly improve on those benefits. It took a while for bound books to almost match the strengths of scrolls, but they eventually almost got there (though they have never caught up with the variable width benefits of scrolls). With electronic tools, we can move a lot faster to evolve them and I think we should.

      ps. my favourite thing about GoodReader is file management: it's about the best tool for that available on the iPad. Reading and annotating are useful extra benefits for me.

    • Richard Smith March 22, 2012 - 7:50am

      I agree that I much prefer to read my books electronically these days.  While it is true that I am more comfortable studying from POTs (Plain old Textbooks ;->), I find that each time I force myself to study from PDF, I get slightly more comfortable with it.  Perhaps it's just a skill that needs to be developed or an aquired taste (like skim milk!)

      However, this conversation has got me thinking that, if the visceral experience is not quite as good, are there things we could do to improve other aspects of the experience? One that comes to mind is the concept of combining social media with textbooks.  We could start out by writing an etext reader that would allow us to add our own hand written or typed annotations and questions to the text but we could take it further by writing a web service that would allow our etext reader to send these annotations to a central server.  Then, we could share each person's annotations as an onion skin type of layer so that each person in the class could see the annotations of all of his or her classmates.  There would also be the ability of each student to turn on or off each onion skin if they didn't find a certain classmates notes to be of value.  We could also set up administration so that only students in the same class or same school or same year could see the annotations.

      This might be kind of neat.  Imagine this scenario:  I am reading the text and come to a section that I don't understand.  I place a handwritten annotation (or maybe even a special symbol) beside the text that asks for help.  You understand this concept well and reply with an answer.  Another student adds more comments and we generate a discussion.  The cool thing about this is that the conversation would not be relagated to a discussion board somewhere, it would be located in the textbook, right at the location of the issue.  Also, the teacher could choose to make this discussion permanent so that future years could see it.  The writer of the textbook could view the annotations to see where he or she needed to improve the explanations.

      Hey, maybe we just invented something! ;->



    • Jon Dron March 22, 2012 - 10:21am

      That sounds like a good project for a masters student :-) Yes, there are benefits to e-readers that are hard or impossible to achieve with paper. PDF is a horrible format to read on an e-reader though - I'm hoping it will eventually become a small niche product as it is a rather poorly optimised interim format packed with irritating skeuomorphs inherited from its pulpy past. I've tried things like GoodReader's text extraction as well as other more dedicated PDF-epub conversion tools, but there are usually too many glitches and characters added that typically make it just as bad when converted as in the original.

      The social enhancement is not *too* far off what Amazon already does with its Kindle - you can share your annotations, clips etc via Facebook and Twitter, and make use of popular highlights to get something more like mediaeval glosses than a peelable onion, but the basic plumbing seems to be in place for this. It would be worthwhile investigating other readers to see whether they have it. I gave up after trying about a dozen a couple of years back, mainly because I read on an iPad and sharing between iPad apps is limited, so it's simpler to only use a handful of well-known readers, but it sounds like the beginnings of a very good idea.


  • Jon Dron joined the group Accessibility at AU March 15, 2012 - 8:34am
  • Jon Dron commented on the blog Filling holes: some thoughts on technology design March 15, 2012 - 8:22am
    I'm glad you like 'sets' Mary - it certainly makes sense to me, but it is a little abstract, in the sense that Facebook is moree inclined to talk about adding a friend rather than adding someone to your network.  I guess the sensible...
  • The iPad gives the most immediate as well as long-term benefits as it: is far more intuitive so can concentrate on the task at hand: Androids and Playbooks still feel like computers. Nice computers that are relatively friendly, but still...
  • Comments
    • Jon Dron March 13, 2012 - 5:12pm

      The iPad gives the most immediate as well as long-term benefits as it:

      • is far more intuitive so can concentrate on the task at hand: Androids and Playbooks still feel like computers. Nice computers that are relatively friendly, but still computers.
      • has far more apps available, especially in education and for kids, with far better quality/safety control
      • has very well-integrated and fine-grained parental controls that can protect against a lot of different potential hazards
      • is tough in itself but has thousands of cases available, many of which are made to be fairly child resistant (and one or two of which can protect against explosions, dropping from 10th floor onto concrete, dropping in water and so on, though that is maybe not the same as proof against 7 year olds)

      I have both iPad and Android (eee) tablets. Much as I try to love the Android as it accords better with my desire for flexibility and diversity, it is not even close to the iPad in terms of friendliness and usability. Superficially similar but in another much lower league, despite superior hardware specs.

      Might be worth waiting for the new OLPC tablet, if it ever becomes possible to get your hands on one: incredibly cheap, innovative and child-proof, though still an Android device with very low specs. See

    • Mark A. McCutcheon March 14, 2012 - 8:15am

      Agree with Jon about the iPad, mostly on account of the apps. We get a lot of mileage out of even the free kids' apps. And sometimes they find new ways to use apps for grownups too.


    • Dmitry Makovey April 3, 2012 - 3:27pm

      I will agree with Eric - those devices typically are a distraction for kids. single-purpose tools. Our experience is that given the device that can do "many things" distracts child at that age and doesn't let them concentrate on one thing since [s]he knows - there are toys and other things available on that same device.