Landing : Athabascau University

Jon Dron

Jon Dron

I'd forgotten that I'd already read that.

(March 10, 2021 - 10:00am)

General info

Brief description: still learning, never learning enough

Contact info

Personal Website
Country: Canada
Twitter ID: jondron


Occupation: teacher and researcher
Industry: Education
Company / Institution: Athabasca University
Job Title: Professor & Chair, School of Computing & Information Systems
Job Description

I teach in the area of computing (mostly the softer side of things) and research in the field of learning technologies. I manage the School of Computing & Information Systems

About me

I am a full professor and Associate Dean, Learning & Assessment in the School of Computing & Information Systems, and a member of The Technology-Enhanced Knowledge Research Institute at Athabasca University. I am one of the creators of the Landing. I am a UK National Teaching Fellow and member of the International Federation of National Teaching Fellows. My latest book, How Education Works: Teaching, Technology, and Technique, is due out in Spring 2023. My previous books, Teaching Crowds: Learning and Social Media (2014), and Control & Constraint in E-Learning: Choosing When to Choose, (2007 - it's better than the title and cover suggests!) are still available from the publishers.

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