PhD, Brighton, (Achieving self-organisation in network-based learning environments) 2002
Postgraduate Certificate, Brighton, (Teaching and Learning in Higher Education) 1998
MSc, Brighton, (Information Systems, with distinction) 1992
BA (Hons), Sussex, (Philosophy) 1982
Teaching Excellence Award, University of Brighton, 2005
National Teaching Fellowship, Higher Education Academy, UK, 2005
President’s Award for Research and Scholarly Excellence, Athabasca University, 2012
Honarary Faculty Fellow, Faculty of Education & Sport, University of Brighton, 2011
Craig Cunningham Memorial Award for Teaching Excellence, Athabasca University, 2015
JISC: UK’s Top 50 most influential HE professionals (2015):
AACE: Top 20 in Social Media to connect with (2015) :
Various best paper awards - see publications
(March 10, 2021 - 10:00am)
I teach in the area of computing (mostly the softer side of things) and research in the field of learning technologies. I manage the School of Computing & Information Systems
About me
I am a full professor and Associate Dean, Learning & Assessment in the School of Computing & Information Systems, and a member of The Technology-Enhanced Knowledge Research Institute at Athabasca University. I am one of the creators of the Landing. I am a UK National Teaching Fellow and member of the International Federation of National Teaching Fellows. My latest book, How Education Works: Teaching, Technology, and Technique, was published in June, 2023. My previous books, Teaching Crowds: Learning and Social Media (2014), and Control & Constraint in E-Learning: Choosing When to Choose, (2007 - it's better than the title and cover suggests!) are still available from the publishers. You can find out more about me and read my blog at
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