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  • Chaoran Chen published a blog post ENVS461 blog 3 unit2 Property July 6, 2023 - 4:43am
    ENVS461 blog 3 unit2  Property
    In the first story, people treat the proceeds of their labour as their property and the things of the world (i.e. everything created by God) as things that can be turned into property. The introduction of private property is fundamental to the...
  • Chaoran Chen published a blog post ENVS461 blog 2 unit1 what's a political ecology July 5, 2023 - 6:16am
    ENVS461 blog 2  unit1 what's a political ecology
    Robbins argues that political ecology focuses on the impact of political, economic and other social factors on the environment, while apolitical ecology focuses on environmental issues. In addition, he gives several examples to describe the...
  • Chaoran Chen published a blog post ENVS461 July 2, 2023 - 1:44am
    The ungrading approach means that I can complete the activity without having to carefully follow the instruction of the assignment to revise my work as I usually do with other assignments. The ungraded approach is often used for open-ended...
  • Trent Shea created a wiki page Unit 7 June 30, 2023 - 9:48am
    Quickly read through Assignment 3 before reading this chapter. Arrays and lists and <T> are not new to me, so I read the chapter quickly, focusing on syntax and methods I expect to use in the upcoming assignments. Looked at the exercises for...
  • Jon Dron commented on the file How Education Works - hard copies June 29, 2023 - 3:39pm
    ☺️ I'm delighted to be stalked in this fashion! Thanks so much, Rob
  • Robert Schmidt commented on the file How Education Works - hard copies June 29, 2023 - 1:55pm
    Hello Jon: That is wonderful, and thank you! I am happy to pick up a copy as well. Whether you know it or not, I have been stalking you for some time (not in a creepy way) and learning so much from your way of learning and teaching.  I can't...
  • Jon Dron commented on the file How Education Works - hard copies June 29, 2023 - 1:52pm
    Why, thank you, Rob! You don't have to wait that long to read it if you wish - PDF and online versions are available for free at Naturally I recommend the paper or e-book versions for a more...
  • Hard copies and e-book versions of How Education Works are now available, and they are starting to turn up in bookstores. The recommended retail price is CAD$40 but Amazon is selling the Kindle version for a bit less.Here are a few outlets that...
  • Robert Schmidt commented on the file How Education Works - hard copies June 29, 2023 - 1:44pm
      As soon as I can afford to do so, I will definitely pick up a copy!
  • Jon Dron uploaded the file How Education Works - hard copies June 29, 2023 - 1:03pm
    A picture of three copies of my book, How Education Works: Teaching, Technology, and Technique
    • Jon Dron June 29, 2023 - 1:52pm

      Why, thank you, Rob!

      You don't have to wait that long to read it if you wish - PDF and online versions are available for free at

      Naturally I recommend the paper or e-book versions for a more satisfying reading experience (disclaimer: I may be biased because I get a very small amount of money for every one sold), but these will do at a pinch.

    • Robert Schmidt June 29, 2023 - 1:55pm

      Hello Jon:

      That is wonderful, and thank you! I am happy to pick up a copy as well. Whether you know it or not, I have been stalking you for some time (not in a creepy way) and learning so much from your way of learning and teaching. 

      I can't wait to read your book!


      Best regards,


    • Jon Dron June 29, 2023 - 3:39pm


      I'm delighted to be stalked in this fashion! Thanks so much, Rob

  • Lilith Richter-Stephenson
    Lilith Richter-Stephenson published a blog post Which version is required? June 26, 2023 - 12:35am
    In the Gooddocs we are asked to provide information on whihc program is required to run your code. Is there a way to test earlier versions of java to see if they can run my code effectively?
  • Kyla James published a blog post Writing format and common grammar and sentencing errors June 24, 2023 - 9:16pm
    This week we are editing our drafts for our critical review assignment and are asked to reflect on our how we usually format our writing, our reaction to style guides, and sentence, grammar, and punctuation issues that we may have identified in...
    • Emily Cargan July 19, 2023 - 1:15am

      Lovely post, Kyla. 

      I always tell my high school students that writing is 10% actual writing and 90% editing! The best writers generally have the best editors as it's impossible to fully edit your own work. Writing too is a social process and it's essential that writers remain open to the ideas of others on their work.

      All the very best for now!


  • About 10 years ago I submitted the first draft of a book called "How Learning Technologies Work" to AU Press. The title was a nod to David Byrne's book, "How Music Works".
  • Slides for my research table at the FST Retreat, 2023
  • Kyla James published a blog post Criteria-based feedback and reader-based feedback June 19, 2023 - 9:09pm
    Rarely am I in the position of editing other students work in academia, most likely because of time and opposing schedules, however the 606 graduate writing class at AU has provided me with this opportunity. I read the Elbow Chapters assigned...
    • Emily Cargan July 19, 2023 - 1:10am

      Hi Kyla, 

      Such interesting insights - the value of reflecting where your mind is going and why when you are reading someone else's work and the benefits of incorporating details of your own work into your feedback on another writer's work.


  • Stella George published a blog post VALab June 23rd Meeting #10 June 15, 2023 - 11:03am
    What comes after Freudbot? This ...
  • Kyla James published a blog post Tips and tactics used while writing June 12, 2023 - 9:17am
    Cory Doctorow's "Writing in the Age of Distraction" article has me reflecting on my own writing tips and which strategies that I use and which of his tips I could incorporate into my writing practice. One of the strategies that I use in...
    • Emily Cargan July 19, 2023 - 1:01am

      Hi Kyla, 

      Thank you so much for yet another well-written and insightful blog post!

      I'm like you in that I find it difficult to get started and focused on a piece of work and, as a result, I like to carve out longer periods of work time. In saying that, I have also experimented with working in shorter time increments such as 20 minutes and find that my brain is sharper and that I'm generally more alert when working in this way. The trick for me is knowing which kind of work best belongs to the shorter work periods. 

      Cheers - Emily 

  • Kyla James published a blog post Drafting and Outline for Critical Review June 11, 2023 - 2:40pm
    This weekend I was able to re-read the article assigned to us for our critical review and made use of the alphanumerical ouline format that OWL Purdue website included. I've previously used a similar format when joting notes down in Microsoft Word...
    • Emily Cargan July 19, 2023 - 12:53am

      Hi Kyla,

      I used to find creating outlines very difficult and, like you, would rely on my introductions to drive my essay structures. It's definitely a more time-consuming way to write. 

      The alphanumerical outline format is very helpful and I'm glad you've found that it works for you. 

      What I will often do before getting to a formal outline is lots of mind-mapping to get all my ideas out and to start to connect them in a logical way. Then, when outlining, I try to think of my paper as a complete, if lengthy sentence, to ensure that each paragraph logically connects to the next and to the paper as a whole. 



  • Kyla James published a blog post Reading and Writing Critically June 8, 2023 - 1:25pm
    I have learned that I write better than what I originally thought and to extend myself some grace in terms of identifying as a writer.  I am a perfectionist by nature and can get bogged down in details or delay beginning work as a result....
    • Emily Cargan July 19, 2023 - 12:45am

      Hello Kyla, 

      Thank you for this wonderful post. I recall responding to it when it you first published, but my response does not seem to have been uploaded. So here I go again!

      As I write, I'm sipping tea from a mug with the following printed on it: "Irish Society of Procrastinators - I'll do it now... in a minute." My brother bought it for my dad who is a notorious procrastinator. I suffer from the same problem myself! 

      I think with writing, the best advice is to write lots initially, having locked your critical editor securely away for a while (easier said than done!). Often, the writing itself will lead you to new ideas and conclusions, so to deny yourself the process of imperfect writing may also deny you the opportunity to see work in a new light and generate fresh ideas and interesting associations. 

      It's interesting to see that you identify not skimming articles as a weakness, whereas for me skimming articles or any type of writing is a weakness as I tend to miss important information. I need to slow down and read more carefully!

      I love your idea of reading with a view to identifying author assumptions. This is key to good critical analysis. 

      Best for now, 
