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  • Stella George published a blog post VALab June 23rd Meeting #10 June 15, 2023 - 11:03am
    What comes after Freudbot? This ...
  • Kyla James published a blog post Tips and tactics used while writing June 12, 2023 - 9:17am
    Cory Doctorow's "Writing in the Age of Distraction" article has me reflecting on my own writing tips and which strategies that I use and which of his tips I could incorporate into my writing practice. One of the strategies that I use in...
    • Emily Cargan July 19, 2023 - 1:01am

      Hi Kyla, 

      Thank you so much for yet another well-written and insightful blog post!

      I'm like you in that I find it difficult to get started and focused on a piece of work and, as a result, I like to carve out longer periods of work time. In saying that, I have also experimented with working in shorter time increments such as 20 minutes and find that my brain is sharper and that I'm generally more alert when working in this way. The trick for me is knowing which kind of work best belongs to the shorter work periods. 

      Cheers - Emily 

  • Kyla James published a blog post Drafting and Outline for Critical Review June 11, 2023 - 2:40pm
    This weekend I was able to re-read the article assigned to us for our critical review and made use of the alphanumerical ouline format that OWL Purdue website included. I've previously used a similar format when joting notes down in Microsoft Word...
    • Emily Cargan July 19, 2023 - 12:53am

      Hi Kyla,

      I used to find creating outlines very difficult and, like you, would rely on my introductions to drive my essay structures. It's definitely a more time-consuming way to write. 

      The alphanumerical outline format is very helpful and I'm glad you've found that it works for you. 

      What I will often do before getting to a formal outline is lots of mind-mapping to get all my ideas out and to start to connect them in a logical way. Then, when outlining, I try to think of my paper as a complete, if lengthy sentence, to ensure that each paragraph logically connects to the next and to the paper as a whole. 



  • Kyla James published a blog post Reading and Writing Critically June 8, 2023 - 1:25pm
    I have learned that I write better than what I originally thought and to extend myself some grace in terms of identifying as a writer.  I am a perfectionist by nature and can get bogged down in details or delay beginning work as a result....
    • Emily Cargan July 19, 2023 - 12:45am

      Hello Kyla, 

      Thank you for this wonderful post. I recall responding to it when it you first published, but my response does not seem to have been uploaded. So here I go again!

      As I write, I'm sipping tea from a mug with the following printed on it: "Irish Society of Procrastinators - I'll do it now... in a minute." My brother bought it for my dad who is a notorious procrastinator. I suffer from the same problem myself! 

      I think with writing, the best advice is to write lots initially, having locked your critical editor securely away for a while (easier said than done!). Often, the writing itself will lead you to new ideas and conclusions, so to deny yourself the process of imperfect writing may also deny you the opportunity to see work in a new light and generate fresh ideas and interesting associations. 

      It's interesting to see that you identify not skimming articles as a weakness, whereas for me skimming articles or any type of writing is a weakness as I tend to miss important information. I need to slow down and read more carefully!

      I love your idea of reading with a view to identifying author assumptions. This is key to good critical analysis. 

      Best for now, 


  • Erik Bakke published a blog post Learning Diary + Site Design in the group COMP 266 June 6, 2023 - 6:09pm
    In this unit I decided what website I was going to create over the course of this class. I though hard about what kind a of website it would create that would keep me motived while creating it. Ultimately it came down to 2 options, and I decided...
  • Emory Haché published a blog post MDDE 610 Assignment 2 Learning Michif June 4, 2023 - 2:51am
    MDDE 610 Assignment 2  Learning Michif
    Introduction Taansi!  Or Hello! 
  • Jon Dron uploaded the file Technological distance - my slides from OTESSA '23 June 2, 2023 - 2:01pm
    Here are the slides from my talk today at OTESSA '23. Technological distance is a way of understanding distance that fits with modern complexivist models of learning such as Connectivism, Heutagogy, Networks/Communities of Practice/Rhizomatic...
  • Alexander Gorgi uploaded the file Final Submission Portfolio May 29, 2023 - 6:52pm
    Please see my Final Portfolio Submission for COMP266 above.
  • Sydney Carroll published a blog post Unlearning May 29, 2023 - 3:34pm
    "Unlearning creates a relationship of truth"
  • Emily Cargan commented on the blog Adapting to online learning May 28, 2023 - 9:01am
    Hi Kyla,  Thank you for this excellent blog post! It can definitely feel intimidating to post on online discussion forums but no one on this course is judging other people's post; instead, I think everyone is grateful to have others to talk to...
  • Emily Cargan commented on the blog 3 Tips for staying on track with 2 courses May 28, 2023 - 8:31am
    Hello Adele,  Thank you so much for this excellent post. These are wonderful tips that will prove very beneficial to anyone who reads and adopts them. I'll be adopting some of them myself as I have definitely felt as though I am facing a...
  • Chaouki uploaded the file ERD May 28, 2023 - 3:18am
  • Kyla James published a blog post Adapting to online learning May 21, 2023 - 11:39am
    I have recently enrolled in the Master of Nursing graduate program at Athabasca University, and this is the first time learning and completing coursework exclusively online.  One of the reasons for enrolling at AU was because of this, and like...
    • Emily Cargan May 28, 2023 - 9:01am

      Hi Kyla, 

      Thank you for this excellent blog post! It can definitely feel intimidating to post on online discussion forums but no one on this course is judging other people's post; instead, I think everyone is grateful to have others to talk to about their own anxieties about taking further education and juggling this with all of their other responsibilities. 

      As shown by this post, you have important things to say and a lovely way of expressing yourself, so just post when you can and know you will have delighted and engaged readers!

      It can take a while to get oriented to online learning platforms. I still struggle finding my way around the AU MAIS 606 site! Just know you're not alone in this. Check under Communications > News and Announcements every week for my notifications as I try to provide a summary of each week's work there. 

      All the very best for now!


  • Adele Tremblay published a blog post 3 Tips for staying on track with 2 courses May 16, 2023 - 1:09pm
    In the past 3 weeks, I have found myself balancing two graduate courses at the same time. It's the first semester that I challenge myself to take 2 courses and so far, I have not fallen behind with any of the work. It's important to note that I'm...
    • Emily Cargan May 28, 2023 - 8:31am

      Hello Adele, 

      Thank you so much for this excellent post. These are wonderful tips that will prove very beneficial to anyone who reads and adopts them. I'll be adopting some of them myself as I have definitely felt as though I am facing a mountain this past year when trying to juggle study and work!

      Your post has also reminded me that I promised to create a cheat sheet for students regarding deadlines for the course. I'll do that later today!

      With all best wishes,


  • Jon Dron commented on a bookmark The DIKW hierarchy as interpeted by ChatGPT May 15, 2023 - 5:16pm
    I love this! Excellent use of the technology and wonderful philosophical questions, Eugene.
  • Eugene Griffin commented on a bookmark The DIKW hierarchy as interpeted by ChatGPT May 6, 2023 - 10:19am
    Critique of ChatGPT DIKW output Concerning DIKW and the data from example (3.1) [1]. Without human processing, the statements can be considered a set of singly-linked lists of symbols, therefore, the data [3][4].  The data produces the...
  • The DIKW hierarchy Many web-based resources discuss DIKW, Li & Duan's [1] paper explored the usage of DIKW by ChatGPT [2]. The process, as interpreted by [2], provides valuable insight into the extraction and interpretation of Data,...
    • Eugene Griffin May 6, 2023 - 10:19am

      Critique of ChatGPT DIKW output

      Concerning DIKW and the data from example (3.1) [1]. Without human processing, the statements can be considered a set of singly-linked lists of symbols, therefore, the data [3][4]. 

      The data produces the following information after an initial conversion [3][4]. Further processing of the logical statements is possible.

      • 17-year-old ^ greater than 180 -> obese
      • 17-year-old ^ greater than 180 -> risk of heart disease
      • Tom -> 17-year-old ^ greater than 180 
      • Tom ->  worries about weight
      • Tom -> decreased appetite 
      • Tom -> know about obesity
      • Tom -> know about weight loss training 
      • Enrol in weight loss training -> know about weight loss training
      • Enrol in weight loss training -> NOT obese
      • Tom -> wants to go to the hospital

      The information establishes that Tom is obese, has a risk of heart disease, worries about weight, has a decreased appetite, knows about obesity, knows about weight loss training, and wants to go to the hospital.  The information row from the ChatGPT [2] establishes the information. 

      Does ChatGPT provide knowledge from the information? 

      The knowledge row [2] provides information in the following statements:

      “Obesity increases the risk of heart disease”

      “The weight loss training class is not suitable for Tom as he is considered obese”

      These statements can be derived from processing the initial information and are not knowledge [6][7]. The columns do provide actionable knowledge.

      ChatGPT did provide some words of wisdom, "knowing the right things to do” [7] by providing the statements “Maintaining a healthy weight is important for reducing the risk of heart disease” and “Making informed choices about weight management can improve health outcomes” [2]. 


      [1] Li, Y., & Duan, Y. (2023). The Wisdom of Artificial General Intelligence: Experiments with GPT-4 for DIKWP. arXiv preprint.

      [2] ChatGPT, personal communication, May 4, 2023

      [3] Ackoff, R. L., "From Data to Wisdom", Journal of Applies Systems Analysis, Volume 16, 1989 p 3-9






    • Jon Dron May 15, 2023 - 5:16pm

      I love this! Excellent use of the technology and wonderful philosophical questions, Eugene.

  • Lilith Richter-Stephenson
    Lilith Richter-Stephenson created a wiki page Unit 1 April 29, 2023 - 8:28pm
    I found this unit informative one the differences between Java and other languages I have previously used.   Having used both Python and C in previous programming, I am excited to learn more about Java and discover the different benefits and...