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The following section of this e-Portfolio proposes a plan of actions for the development and implementation of e-learning instructions to tackle the abovementioned problems. In consistent with good project management methodology, the first step is to appoint a project manager to oversee the overall development and implementation of this project. Given the short timeframe available to develop and implement all the necessary e-learning instructions by 1 July 2011 to coincide with the introduction of the Blackboard LMS system for final-semester courses (including BUS017), the project manager needs to understand the problems and to develop the e-learning instructions quickly. According to Ketata (2005), “good organization skills, time management, and the ability to juggle multiple tasks are all prerequisites of an effective project manager” (p.66). As the author has both intimate knowledge of the problems and e-learning experience (he has previously developed an e-learning course for UniSIM), he is in an ideal position to play the role of the project manager here.
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