Jane Arscott, Ph.D. janea@athabascau.ca
human service education, women and politics, e-governance, e-citizenship, e-democracy, policy analysis, political theory
Jonathan Baggaley, Ph.D. baggaley@athabascau.ca
education and media, evaluation methodology, health promotion, community development, applied social psychology, communication studies
Ken Banks, Ph.D. ckbanks@rogers.com
community development, social research, social policy, organizational behaviour, diversity and oppression
Cathy Bray, Ph.D. cathyb@athabascau.ca
adult education, gender and education, gender and health issues, gender and organizations, online education
Derek Briton, Ph.D. derek.briton@athabascau.ca
adult education, educational policy studies, sociology of education, social theory, psychoanalytic theory, psychoanalysis of society and culture
Ken Collier, Ph.D. kcollier@shaw.ca
community development, critical perspectives on social work, social welfare (policy), and rural development, prior learning assessment, political economy, development economics
Ursule Critoph, M.A. ursulec@athabascau.ca
the Canadian training/skills development system, women and learning, unions and workplace learning, joint union-management processes, unions and work, adult education, community-based learning, workers and the recognition of prior learning
Mark Durieux, Ph.D. mbdurieux@shaw.ca
complex (post)modernity and the social and institutional construction of self-identity and resistance, institutional ethnography and ethnomethodology, social psychology, classical and contemporary sociological theory, aging, health, and caregiving, managed care, foster care, the sociology and culture of compassion, social constructions of the family, narrative and metaphorical study of lives, psychoanalytic sociology, attachment theory, symbolic interaction, research methods and statistics, the relevance of grounded theory, hermeneutic phenomenology, critical realism, and exploratory methodology for the clinical encounter
Gloria Filax, Ph.D. gloriaf@athabascau.ca
sociology of the body (processes of normalization), contemporary social theory, qualitative research, ethnography, discourse analysis, youth studies, cultural studies/popular culture, governance & globalization, sociology of education, equity studies, trauma studies
Michael Francis, Ph.D. mfrancis@athabascau.ca
anthropology, visual anthropology, documentary and/or ethnographic film, cultural studies, African studies
Mike Gismondi, Ph.D. mikeg@athabascau.ca
sociology, Nicaraguan social history, environmental sociology, the place of the local in globalization, social economy and sustainability
Lorelei Hanson, Ph.D. lorelei.hanson@athabascau.ca
environmental thought, green cultural studies, rural studies, new regional studies (Canadian West/Prairies), qualitative research methods in the study of environmental/spatial matters, place, nature, wilderness, landscape
Leslie Main Johnson, Ph.D. lesliej@athabascau.ca
ethnobiology, ethnobotany, anthropology, traditional knowledge, health and environment, culture and environment
Elizabeth Lange, Ph.D. elizabeth.lange@shaw.ca
Sociology of education, social theory, international/global education, social movements, sustainability/environmental education, adult education, transformative adult learning, action research and popular education
Nanci Langford, Ph.D. nancil@athabascau.ca
Canadian family and women's history, social inequality, sociological theory, feminist theory, needs assessments and program evaluations
Bruce Morito, Ph.D. brucem@athabascau.ca
applied ethics (including Aboriginal thought applied to natural resource management), environmental ethics/philosophy/policy (including Aboriginal thought and cross-cultural ethics), traditional ecological knowledge and resource management, personal identity, value theory
Karen Nielsen PhD. karenn@athabascau.ca
Gender studies, women and psychology, counseling and its role in adaptation and mechanisms of change, emotions and their importance in the production of knowledge, treatment and rehabilitation programs for perpetrators of intimate violence, adult resiliency, vicarious trauma and resiliency, how people make substantive and lasting change
Pat Rasmussen, Ph.D. patras4@shaw.ca
transformative adult education and community organizing, curriculum/educational studies, rethinking the self (subjectivity, discourse theory, and everyday relations of power), postcolonial and poststructural perspectives of education and social work, contemporary cultural and social theories of gender, sexuality, class and race, disability studies, health promotion and prevention in human services, creative non-fiction, journalling, and writing autobiographically, sociology of work - labour process, subjectivity, professionalization, cooperatives, feminist political philosophy, feminist counselling theory and practice, qualitative/interpretative inquiry (especially narrative inquiry)
Mary S. Runté, Ph.D. mary.runte@uleth.ca
work-family/life balance, social responsibility in organizations, nonprofit and voluntary sector management, business history, feminist theory of organizations, existentialism and management theory, critical theory, qualitative methods-discourse analysis, poststructural
Robert Runté, Ph.D. runte@uleth.ca
popular culture (cyberculture, kid culture, avocational subcultures), sociology of education, organizational behaviour (committees, stakeholder groups, long hours culture), sociology of the professions and management of knowledge workers, qualitative research methodologies, Canadian speculative fiction
Tony Simmons, Ph.D. tonys@athabascau.ca
sociological theory, theory of organizations, illustrious outsiders
Angela Specht, Ph.D. spechtal@xplornet.com
cultural production and consumption of identity within the contexts of community development, tourism, heritage, and public art, intersection of social theory (poststructuralism and cultural studies) with economy, culture and place, cultural and economic production of place via tourism, museums and public art, public policy and formation of place, identity and community, ethics and public policy, globalization, governance and social change, representational literacy
Don Wetherell, Ph.D. donaldw@athabascau.ca
heritage resource management, social history
Winona Wheeler, Ph.D. winonaw@athabascau.ca
Indigenous histories, anti-colonial theory, treaty rights, traditional indigenous knowledge
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